my eye

webint 0.1.77

Release 0.1.95 7 months ago

Bump webagt 7 months ago

Release 0.1.94 7 months ago

Use `/assets/` for vendored static assets 7 months ago

Remove asciinema and webtorrent static assets 7 months ago

Add static assets to host bootstrap 7 months ago

Add back TLSv1.2 7 months ago

Add minimal package.json for linting 7 months ago

Release 0.1.93 8 months ago

Remove javascript build pipeline 8 months ago

Support triple backticks for code blocks 8 months ago

Release 0.1.92 8 months ago

Make `go()` open non-local links in a new tab/window 8 months ago

Handle nested lists without explicit whitespacing 8 months ago

Release 0.1.91 8 months ago

Add `fail2ban` to system packages of new machines 8 months ago

Release 0.1.90 8 months ago

Remove SPA loading indicator 8 months ago

Release 0.1.89 8 months ago

Spaify links in aside 8 months ago

Release 0.1.88 8 months ago

Add web.js back for PyPI 8 months ago

Release 0.1.87 8 months ago

Remove web.js from gitignore for PyPI publish 8 months ago

Release 0.1.86 8 months ago

Fix breadcrumb whitespace on root, header and article classes on spaify 8 months ago

Release 0.1.85 8 months ago

Fix breadcrumb whitespacing 8 months ago

Release 0.1.84 8 months ago

Fix breadcrumb whitespacing 8 months ago

Release 0.1.83 8 months ago

Release 0.1.82 8 months ago

Stop tracking web.js 8 months ago

Add render_breadcrumbs for server side rendering 8 months ago

Rename config_templates to templates 8 months ago

Spaify page breadcrumbs 8 months ago

Spaify page aside 8 months ago

Simplify mediasoup supervisor label 8 months ago

Release 0.1.81 8 months ago

Check for aside before linkifying 8 months ago

Simplify code blocks 8 months ago

Fix code block in README 8 months ago

Release 0.1.80 8 months ago

Fix markdown code blocks 8 months ago

Fix README 8 months ago

Release 0.1.79 8 months ago

Use hybrid GitHub/common markdown for code blocks 8 months ago

Release 0.1.78 8 months ago

Change Pre block markdown support to use GitHub style 8 months ago

Use GitHub style code blocks in README 8 months ago

Add scaffold of null site 8 months ago

Open local development site in browser on run 8 months ago

Update README with desirable usage flow 8 months ago

Release 0.1.77 8 months ago

Release 0.1.76 8 months ago

Release 0.1.75 8 months ago

Fix etherpad install 8 months ago

Pin etherpad to 1.9.2 until SQLite support is fixed 8 months ago

Upgrade DH param 8 months ago

Release 0.1.74 10 months ago

Isolate new tab code and stop auto focus 10 months ago

Release 0.1.73 10 months ago

Handle remote URLs from chat input 10 months ago

Release 0.1.72 10 months ago

Handle remote URLs from chat input 10 months ago

Release 0.1.71 10 months ago

Withhold tracebacks from non-owner view 10 months ago

Release 0.1.70 10 months ago

Release 0.1.69 10 months ago

Add pillow dependency 10 months ago

Release 0.1.68 10 months ago

Release 0.1.67 10 months ago

Fix datetime imports 10 months ago

Release 0.1.66 10 months ago

Clean up datetime imports 10 months ago

Release 0.1.65 10 months ago

Release 0.1.64 10 months ago

Move datetime util to own module 10 months ago

Change utcnow() to now() 11 months ago

Add options argument to parse_dt 11 months ago

Release 0.1.63 11 months ago

Satisfy pyright 11 months ago

Bump dependencies and several patch versions 11 months ago

Add gpg to host installation 11 months ago

Make parse_dt public 11 months ago

Add properties for Basic and Bearer Authorization values 11 months ago

Update pyproject and workflow 11 months ago

Add types to dump/load interface 11 months ago

Wrap pendulum's datetime parser 11 months ago

Change license to AGPLv3 11 months ago

Bump minor version 1 year ago

Make tests work under act 1 year ago

Add test action 1 year ago

Reblack 1 year ago

Remove unused dependencies 1 year ago

Remove gitignore 1 year ago

Bump gevent 1 year ago

Remove poetry.lock 1 year ago

Bootstrap 1 year ago