my eye

Rename config_templates to templates

Committed bf44f7

--- a/web/framework/
+++ b/web/framework/

-    "config_templates",
+    "templates",
         "data": "TEXT NOT NULL",
-config_templates = templating.templates(__name__)
+templates = templating.templates(__name__)
 methods = [
     (root / "etc").mkdir()
     with (root / "etc/redis.conf").open("w") as fp:
-        fp.write(str(config_templates.redis(root)))
+        fp.write(str(templates.redis(root)))
     with (root / "etc/supervisor.conf").open("w") as fp:
-            str(
-                config_templates.supervisor(
-                    root, root_hash, getpass.getuser(), env, app, bot
-                )
-            )
+            str(templates.supervisor(root, root_hash, getpass.getuser(), env, app, bot))
     with (root / "etc/nginx.conf").open("w") as fp:
-        fp.write(str(config_templates.nginx(root_hash)))
+        fp.write(str(templates.nginx(root_hash)))
     (root / "run").mkdir(parents=True)
     with (root / "etc/tor_stem_password").open("w") as fp:
             #                          **self.path_args)
             # XXX except AttributeError:
             # XXX     path_args = self.path_args
-            templates = {
+            arg_templates = {
                 k: "(?P<{}>{})".format(k, v) for k, v in self.path_args.items()
-                path = path_template.format(**templates)
+                path = path_template.format(**arg_templates)
             except KeyError as err:
                 raise KeyError(
                     "undefined URI fragment" " type `{}`".format(err.args[0])
             # TODO metaclass for `__repr__` -- see `app.controllers`
             class Route(controller, Resource):
                 __doc__ = controller.__doc__
-                __web__ = path_template, templates, self
+                __web__ = path_template, arg_templates, self
                 handler = controller
             Route.prefixed = prefixed
             tx.response.status = "500 Internal Server Error"
             tx.response.headers.content_type = "text/html"
             if getattr(tx.user, "is_owner", False):
-                body = config_templates.traceback(*sys.exc_info())
+                body = templates.traceback(*sys.exc_info())
                 body = "<small><code>I have been notified.</code></small>"
-                # body = config_templates.traceback(*sys.exc_info())
+                # body = templates.traceback(*sys.exc_info())
                 # TODO body = self.view.error.internal()
             tx.response.body = body