requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
name = "webint"
version = "0.1.90"
description = "an opinionated web framework that stays out of your way"
readme = "README.md"
homepage = "https://ragt.ag/code/projects/webint"
repository = "https://ragt.ag/code/projects/webint.git"
documentation = "https://ragt.ag/code/projects/webint/api"
authors = ["Angelo Gladding <angelo@ragt.ag>"]
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
packages = [{include="web"}]
reportGeneralTypeIssues = false
reportOptionalMemberAccess = false
# [tool.poetry.plugins."webapps"]
# admin = "web.host.admin:app"
web = "web.__main__:main"
name = "main"
url = "https://ragt.ag/code/pypi"
python = ">=3.10,<3.11"
bgq = "^0.1.3"
txtint = "^0.1.2"
sqlyte = "^0.1.1"
easyuri = "^0.1.2"
newmath = "^0.2.1"
webagt = "^0.1.1"
microformats = "^0.3.5"
pendulum = "^2.1.2"
emoji = "^2.2.0"
restrictedpython = "^6.0"
gevent = ">=23.7.0"
gunicorn = "^20.1.0"
waitress = "^2.1.2"
watchdog = "^2.2.1"
regex = "^2022.10.31"
Unidecode = "^1.3.6"
acme-tiny = "^5.0.1"
dnspython = "2.3.0"
Pygments = "^2.14.0"
toml = "^0.10.2"
pycryptodome = "^3.16.0"
semver = "^2.13.0"
jsonpatch = "^1.32"
PySide6 = "^6.4.2"
python-dotenv = "^0.21.1"
python-whois = "^0.8.0"
cryptography = "<39"
pynacl = "^1.5.0"
pillow = "^10.0.0"
nuitka = "^1.3.8"
zstandard = "^0.19.0"
ordered-set = "^4.1.0"
gmpg = {path="../gmpg", develop=true}
bgq = {path="../bgq", develop=true}
txtint = {path="../txtint", develop=true}
sqlyte = {path="../sqlyte", develop=true}
easyuri = {path="../easyuri", develop=true}
newmath = {path="../newmath", develop=true}
webagt = {path="../webagt", develop=true}
microformats = {path="../python-microformats", develop=true}