Fix stylesheet syntax formatting
Committed 4937b2
Indent to two spaces instead of four
Place trailing curly brace on its own line
--- a/canopy/static/screen.css
+++ b/canopy/static/screen.css
:root {
- font-family: Ubuntu, system-ui;
- font-size: 16px;
- line-height: 1.5; }
+ font-family: Ubuntu, system-ui;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
body {
- background-color: #002b36;
- color: #839496;
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- grid-template-rows: min-content min-content min-content min-content;
- margin: 0 auto;
- max-width: 60em;
- padding: 1em 0 0 0; }
+ background-color: #002b36;
+ color: #839496;
+ display: grid;
+ grid-column-gap: 1em;
+ /* grid-template-columns: 5em 40em 13em; */
+ grid-template-columns: 8.333% 66.666% 21.666%;
+ grid-template-rows: min-content min-content min-content min-content;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ max-width: 60em;
+ padding: 1em 0 0 0;
body.widescreen {
- margin: 0 2em;
- max-width: 100%; }
+ margin: 0 2em;
+ max-width: 100%;
/* body.widescreen > nav {
- display: none; } */
+ display: none;
+} */
.noscript {
color: #b58900;
body > header {
- display: grid;
- grid-column-start: 1;
- grid-column-end: 4;
- grid-row: 2;
- grid-template-columns: auto auto;
- margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ display: grid;
+ grid-column-start: 1;
+ grid-column-end: 4;
+ grid-row: 2;
+ grid-template-columns: auto auto;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
body > header > div:last-child {
- text-align: right; }
+ text-align: right;
body > header > div > div > * {
- display: inline-block; }
+ display: inline-block;
article#content {
- grid-column: 2;
- grid-row: 3; }
+ grid-column: 2;
+ grid-row: 3;
body > nav {
- grid-column: 1;
- grid-row: 3; }
+ grid-column: 1;
+ grid-row: 3;
body > aside {
- grid-column: 3;
- grid-row-start: 3;
- grid-row-end: 4; }
+ grid-column: 3;
+ grid-row-start: 3;
+ grid-row-end: 4;
body > aside #livestream {
- font-size: 8px;
- height: 7em;
- margin-bottom: 2em; }
+ font-size: 8px;
+ height: 7em;
+ margin-bottom: 2em;
body > aside #mediasoup-demo-app-container {
- margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
body > footer {
color: #586e75;
font-size: .8em;
grid-column-end: 4;
grid-row: 4;
padding: 1.25em 0 0 0;
- text-align: center; }
+ text-align: center;
a {
color: #268bd2;
- text-decoration: none; }
+ text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
- color: #6c71c4; }
+ color: #6c71c4;
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- border: 0;
- border-radius: 50%;
- -webkit-box-sizing: unset;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 3em;
- margin: 0 .25em 0 0; }
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: unset;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 3em;
+ margin: 0 .25em 0 0;
/* .h-card > div {
- display: inline-block; } */
+ display: inline-block;
+} */
.namedesc {
- display: inline-block;
- font-size: .75em;
- line-height: 1.15; }
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ line-height: 1.15;
.namedesc > p {
- margin: 0; }
+ margin: 0;
.h-card a {
- color: #2aa198;
- text-decoration: none; }
+ color: #2aa198;
+ text-decoration: none;
a.p-name {
- color: #586e75;
- font-size: 2em;
- font-weight: 600; }
+ color: #586e75;
+ font-size: 2em;
+ font-weight: 600;
.identifiers {
- color: #586e75; }
+ color: #586e75;
p.p-note {
- margin-top: .25em; }
+ margin-top: .25em;
.breadcrumbs {
- display: table;
- font-size: .8em;
- margin-left: -.25em; }
+ display: table;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ margin-left: -.25em;
.breadcrumbs a {
- display: inline-block;
- padding: .5em .25em; }
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: .5em .25em;
.crumb-sep {
- color: #586e75;
- font-size: .8em;
- position: relative;
- top: -.1em; }
+ color: #586e75;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: -.1em;
code.fancy {
- background-color: #aaa;
- border-radius: .25em;
- color: #333;
- padding: .0625em .25em; }
+ background-color: #aaa;
+ border-radius: .25em;
+ color: #333;
+ padding: .0625em .25em;
h1 {
- font-size: 4em;
- line-height: 1;
- margin: 0 0 .4em 0; }
+ font-size: 4em;
+ line-height: 1;
+ margin: 0 0 .4em 0;
h1 span {
- font-family: cursive; }
+ font-family: cursive;
article#content > nav.breadcrumbs + h1 {
- margin-top: .2em; }
+ margin-top: .2em;
body > nav .h-card p {
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: .9em;
- margin: 0; }
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ margin: 0;
body > nav .h-card .p-note {
- font-size: 1.1em; }
+ font-size: 1.1em;
nav ul {
- list-style: none;
- padding-left: 0; }
+ list-style: none;
+ padding-left: 0;
pre {
- overflow-x: auto;
- white-space: pre-wrap;
- white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
- white-space: -pre-wrap;
- white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
- word-wrap: break-word; }
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ white-space: pre-wrap;
+ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
+ white-space: -pre-wrap;
+ white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
.rotate {
animation: rotation 60s infinite linear;
@keyframes rotation {
from {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- }
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
- transform: rotate(359deg);
- }
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
.followlink {
position: relative;
right: .25em;
text-transform: uppercase;
- top: -.5em; }
+ top: -.5em;
#connection {
color: #c36;
font-weight: bold;
letter-spacing: .025em;
- text-transform: uppercase; }
+ text-transform: uppercase;
#version {
color: #555;
- font-size: .66em; }
+ font-size: .66em;
.code > div > pre > span {
- display: block; }
+ display: block;
input, textarea {
background-color: #073642;
border: .25em solid #073642;
border-radius: .5em;
- color: #93a1a1; }
+ color: #93a1a1;
input:focus, textarea:focus {
border-color: #2aa198;
outline: none;
input {
- padding: .16em .32em; }
+ padding: .16em .32em;
input[type=text] {
- width: 10em; }
+ width: 10em;
input[name=q] {
- width: 20em; }
+ width: 20em;
.partial {
color: #b58900;
- font-size: .7em }
+ font-size: .7em
textarea {
border: .25em solid #073642;
border-radius: .5em;
form#search {
- line-height: 1.15; }
+ line-height: 1.15;
#search a {
font-size: .7em;
text-transform: uppercase;
#listen {
position: relative;
- top: 2px; }
+ top: 2px;
summary {
- cursor: pointer; }
+ cursor: pointer;
hr {
border: 0;
height: .0625em;
margin: 2em;
opacity: 50%;
- overflow: visible; }
+ overflow: visible;
hr:before {
background-color: #002b36;
color: #586e75;
text-align: center;
top: -.2em;
width: .725em;
- writing-mode: vertical-rl; }
+ writing-mode: vertical-rl;
.h-feed .h-entry {
display: block;
- margin: 0 0 1em 0; }
+ margin: 0 0 1em 0;
.h-feed .h-entry.private {
- opacity: .5; }
+ opacity: .5;
.h-feed .h-entry.private:hover {
- opacity: 1; }
+ opacity: 1;
.h-feed .published {
margin: .25em 0 0 0;
- text-align: right; }
+ text-align: right;
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- margin: .5em 0; }
+ margin: .5em 0;
.apps li > * {
display: block;
- padding: .5em 0; }
+ padding: .5em 0;
.dates {
- margin-top: 0; }
+ margin-top: 0;
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- font-size: .75em; }
+ font-size: .75em;
a[rel~=license] {
display: block;
a[rel~=license] {
height: 1.25em !important;
margin: 0 .1em;
- vertical-align: text-bottom; }
+ vertical-align: text-bottom;
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opacity: 100%;
text-shadow: #2aa198 0 0 1em;
pre.asciinema-terminal {
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
src: url('/static/ubuntu-light.ttf') format('ttf');
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
src: url('/static/ubuntu-light-italic.ttf') format('ttf');
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
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font-family: 'Ubuntu';
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src: url('/static/ubuntu-mono-powerline.woff2') format('woff2');
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src: url('/static/fleuron-regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('/static/fleuron-regular.woff') format('woff');
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url('/static/fleuron-dingbats.woff') format('woff');
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font-family: 'fleuronmixed';
src: url('/static/fleuron-mixed.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('/static/fleuron-mixed.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
- font-style: normal; }
+ font-style: normal;