A color palette that adapts to the time of day.
Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones and eight accents)
designed with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined
set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It is intended for
use with terminal and GUI applications.
The [Solarized][1] color palette is designed by @[Ethan Schoonover][2].
[1]: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
[2]: http://ethanschoonover.com
Styles based upon the original implementation `pygments-style-solarized`
by @[Shoji Kumagai](mailto:take.this.2.your.grave@gmail.com) and released
under the MIT license.
# TODO import uuid
import re
import lxml.html
import pygments
import pygments.formatters
import pygments.lexers
import pygments.style
from lxml.html import builder
from pygments.token import Literal # Token
from pygments.token import (
__all__ = ["highlight", "Solar", "Lunar"]
bases = _b = {
"03": "002b36",
"0": "839496",
"02": "073642",
"1": "93a1a1",
"01": "586e75",
"2": "eee8d5",
"00": "657b83",
"3": "fdf6e3",
dark_bases = (_b["03"], _b["02"], _b["01"], _b["0"], _b["1"])
light_bases = (_b["3"], _b["2"], _b["0"], _b["00"], _b["01"])
colors = _c = {
"yellow": "b58900",
"orange": "cb4b16",
"red": "dc322f",
"magenta": "d33682",
"violet": "6c71c4",
"blue": "268bd2",
"cyan": "2aa198",
"green": "859900",
palette = tuple(list(bases.values()) + list(colors.values()))
accented = [
(_b["02"], _b["01"], _b["0"], _b["1"], _c["red"]),
(_b["03"], _b["02"], _b["01"], _b["00"], _c["yellow"]),
(_b["00"], _b["1"], _b["2"], _b["3"], _c["blue"]),
(_b["00"], _b["0"], _b["1"], _b["2"], _c["orange"]),
(_b["02"], _b["1"], _b["2"], _c["magenta"], _c["violet"]),
def highlight(
Highlight given code.
Focus any lines containing `search`.
if filename.endswith(".py"):
lexer = pygments.lexers.Python3Lexer()
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(filename)
except pygments.util.ClassNotFound:
lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(".txt")
# XXX return code
# TODO random_id = uuid.uuid4()
# XXX is_file = "." in filename # an actual filename, eg "date_util.py"
# XXX if not is_file:
# XXX filename = f"XaXaX{filename}"
# if diff:
# starting_line = diff[0]
starting_line = int(starting_line)
if diff:
formatter_args = {}
formatter_args = {"linenos": "table", "linenostart": starting_line}
formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(linespans=filename, **formatter_args)
formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(linespans=filename, **formatter_args)
html = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
if search:
focus = []
for line in doc.cssselect("td.code > div > pre > span"):
if re.search(search, line.text_content()):
if focus:
if isinstance(focus, int):
focus = [focus]
for focus_line in focus:
# XXX given_id = f"{random_id}-{focus_line}".format(random_id, focus_line)
given_id = str(focus_line)
html = html.replace(given_id, f'{given_id}" class="focus')
if coverage:
for line, covered in coverage:
if int(covered):
class_name = "covered"
class_name = "uncovered"
current_id = f'{filename}-{line}"'
html = html.replace(current_id, f'{current_id} class="{class_name}"')
if failures:
for line in failures:
current_id = f"{filename}-{line}"
html = html.replace(current_id, f'{current_id}" class="failed')
if diff:
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
linenos = doc.cssselect(".linenodiv pre")[0]
ending_line = linenos.text_content().rpartition("\n")[2].partition('"')[0]
for lineno in linenos.iterchildren():
linenos.text = ""
for line in range(starting_line, int(ending_line) + 1):
line_link = f"#L{line}"
if filename_anchors:
line_link = f"#{filename}-{line}"
linenos.append(builder.A(str(line), "\n", href=line_link))
for span in doc.cssselect(".highlight pre > span"):
if span.text:
span.text = span.text.replace(" ", "\u00a0")
html = lxml.html.tostring(doc).decode("utf-8")
if not filename_anchors:
html = html.replace(f"{filename}-", "")
return html
class Solar(pygments.style.Style):
"""A Pygments style based upon Solarized's light palette."""
background_color = "#fdf6e3"
default_style = ""
styles = {
Text: "#657b83", # base00
Whitespace: "#fdf6e3", # base3 w
Error: "#dc322f", # red err
Other: "#657b83", # base00 x
Comment: "italic #93a1a1", # base1 c
Comment.Multiline: "italic #93a1a1", # base1 cm
Comment.Preproc: "italic #93a1a1", # base1 cp
Comment.Single: "italic #93a1a1", # base1 c1
Comment.Special: "italic #93a1a1", # base1 cs
Keyword: "#859900", # green k
Keyword.Constant: "#859900", # green kc
Keyword.Declaration: "#859900", # green kd
Keyword.Namespace: "#cb4b16", # orange kn
Keyword.Pseudo: "#cb4b16", # orange kp
Keyword.Reserved: "#859900", # green kr
Keyword.Type: "#859900", # green kt
Operator: "#657b83", # base00 o
Operator.Word: "#859900", # green ow
Name: "#586e75", # base01 n
Name.Attribute: "#657b83", # base00 na
Name.Builtin: "#268bd2", # blue nb
Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "bold #268bd2", # blue bp
Name.Class: "#268bd2", # blue nc
Name.Constant: "#b58900", # yellow no
Name.Decorator: "#cb4b16", # orange nd
Name.Entity: "#cb4b16", # orange ni
Name.Exception: "#cb4b16", # orange ne
Name.Function: "#268bd2", # blue nf
Name.Property: "#268bd2", # blue py
Name.Label: "#657b83", # base00 nc
Name.Namespace: "#b58900", # yellow nn
Name.Other: "#657b83", # base00 nx
Name.Tag: "#859900", # green nt
Name.Variable: "#cd4b16", # orange nv
Name.Variable.Class: "#268bd2", # blue vc
Name.Variable.Global: "#268bd2", # blue vg
Name.Variable.Instance: "#268bd2", # blue vi
Number: "#2aa198", # cyan m
Number.Float: "#2aa198", # cyan mf
Number.Hex: "#2aa198", # cyan mh
Number.Integer: "#2aa198", # cyan mi
Number.Integer.Long: "#2aa198", # cyan il
Number.Oct: "#2aa198", # cyan mo
Literal: "#657b83", # base00 l
Literal.Date: "#657b83", # base00 ld
Punctuation: "#657b83", # base00 p
String: "#2aa198", # cyan s
String.Backtick: "#2aa198", # cyan sb
String.Char: "#2aa198", # cyan sc
String.Doc: "#2aa198", # cyan sd
String.Double: "#2aa198", # cyan s2
String.Escape: "#cb4b16", # orange se
String.Heredoc: "#2aa198", # cyan sh
String.Interpol: "#cb4b16", # orange si
String.Other: "#2aa198", # cyan sx
String.Regex: "#2aa198", # cyan sr
String.Single: "#2aa198", # cyan s1
String.Symbol: "#2aa198", # cyan ss
Generic: "#657b83", # base00 g
Generic.Deleted: "#657b83", # base00 gd
Generic.Emph: "#657b83", # base00 ge
Generic.Error: "#657b83", # base00 gr
Generic.Heading: "#657b83", # base00 gh
Generic.Inserted: "#657b83", # base00 gi
Generic.Output: "#657b83", # base00 go
Generic.Prompt: "#657b83", # base00 gp
Generic.Strong: "#657b83", # base00 gs
Generic.Subheading: "#657b83", # base00 gu
Generic.Traceback: "#657b83", # base00 gt
class Lunar(pygments.style.Style):
"""A Pygments style based upon Solarized's dark palette."""
background_color = "#002b36"
default_style = ""
styles = {
Text: "#839496", # base0
Whitespace: "#002b36", # base03 w
Error: "#dc322f", # red err
Other: "#839496", # base0 x
Comment: "italic #586e75", # base01 c
Comment.Multiline: "italic #586e75", # base01 cm
Comment.Preproc: "italic #586e75", # base01 cp
Comment.Single: "italic #586e75", # base01 c1
Comment.Special: "italic #586e75", # base01 cs
Keyword: "#859900", # green k
Keyword.Constant: "#859900", # green kc
Keyword.Declaration: "#859900", # green kd
Keyword.Namespace: "#cb4b16", # orange kn
Keyword.Pseudo: "#cb4b16", # orange kp
Keyword.Reserved: "#859900", # green kr
Keyword.Type: "#859900", # green kt
Operator: "#839496", # base0 o
Operator.Word: "#859900", # green ow
Name: "#93a1a1", # base1 n
Name.Attribute: "#839496", # base0 na
Name.Builtin: "#268bd2", # blue nb
Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "bold #268bd2", # blue bp
Name.Class: "#268bd2", # blue nc
Name.Constant: "#b58900", # yellow no
Name.Decorator: "#cb4b16", # orange nd
Name.Entity: "#cb4b16", # orange ni
Name.Exception: "#cb4b16", # orange ne
Name.Function: "#268bd2", # blue nf
Name.Property: "#268bd2", # blue py
Name.Label: "#839496", # base0 nc
Name.Namespace: "#b58900", # yellow nn
Name.Other: "#839496", # base0 nx
Name.Tag: "#859900", # green nt
Name.Variable: "#cd4b16", # orange nv
Name.Variable.Class: "#268bd2", # blue vc
Name.Variable.Global: "#268bd2", # blue vg
Name.Variable.Instance: "#268bd2", # blue vi
Number: "#2aa198", # cyan m
Number.Float: "#2aa198", # cyan mf
Number.Hex: "#2aa198", # cyan mh
Number.Integer: "#2aa198", # cyan mi
Number.Integer.Long: "#2aa198", # cyan il
Number.Oct: "#2aa198", # cyan mo
Literal: "#839496", # base0 l
Literal.Date: "#839496", # base0 ld
Punctuation: "#839496", # base0 p
String: "#2aa198", # cyan s
String.Backtick: "#2aa198", # cyan sb
String.Char: "#2aa198", # cyan sc
String.Doc: "#2aa198", # cyan sd
String.Double: "#2aa198", # cyan s2
String.Escape: "#cb4b16", # orange se
String.Heredoc: "#2aa198", # cyan sh
String.Interpol: "#cb4b16", # orange si
String.Other: "#2aa198", # cyan sx
String.Regex: "#2aa198", # cyan sr
String.Single: "#2aa198", # cyan s1
String.Symbol: "#2aa198", # cyan ss
Generic: "#839496", # base0 g
Generic.Deleted: "#839496", # base0 gd
Generic.Emph: "#839496", # base0 ge
Generic.Error: "#839496", # base0 gr
Generic.Heading: "#839496", # base0 gh
Generic.Inserted: "#839496", # base0 gi
Generic.Output: "#839496", # base0 go
Generic.Prompt: "#839496", # base0 gp
Generic.Strong: "#839496", # base0 gs
Generic.Subheading: "#839496", # base0 gu
Generic.Traceback: "#839496", # base0 gt