my eye


$def with (domains)
$var title: Domain Settings
$# <label><h4><input id=include_domain type=checkbox $("checked" if domain else "")>
$# Domain</h4></label>
$# <div id=domain_details>
$# $if domain:
$#     $if domain_ip == local_ip:
$#         <p style=color:green>Your domain points to this machine. You are ready to proceed.</p>
$#         $if www_domain_ip == local_ip:
$#             <p style=color:green><code>www.</code> also points and will be used.</p>
$#         $else:
$#             <p style=color:red><code>www.</code> does not point. It will not be used.</p>
$#     $else:
$#         <p style=color:red><code>$domain</code> currently
$#             points to <code>$domain_ip</code></p>
$#         <p>This machine's IP address is <code>$local_ip</code></p>
$#         <p style=font-size:1.25em;font-weight:bold>Please point <code>$domain</code> to <code>$local_ip</code></p>
$#         $# <p>Your DNS settings are currently being served by: <strong>$domain_ns</strong></p>
$#         $# <p style=color:red>$www_domain_ip</p>
$#         <h5>Domain Lookup</h5>
$#         <dl>
$#         <dt>
$#             <dt>Registrar</dt>
$#             <dd>$domain_whois["registrar"].upper()</dd>
$#             <dt>Whois server</dt>
$#             <dd><code>$domain_whois["whois_server"]</code></dd>
$#             <dt>Name servers</dt>
$#             <dd><ul style=list-style:none;padding:0>
$#             $for ns in sorted(set([ns.upper() for ns in domain_whois["name_servers"]])):
$#                 <li><code>$ns</code></li>
$#             </ul></dd>
$#         </p>
$#         $if domain_host:
$#             <p>Your domain records appears to be hosted by
$#                 <a href=https://$domain_host[1]>$domain_host[0]</a>. </p>
$#             <p>Follow these <a href=https://$domain_host[2] target=_blank>instructions</a>.</p>
$#         $else:
$#             <p>It isn't clear where your domain records are being hosted.</p>
$# <div>
$# <input id=domain name=domain value="$domain">
$# <button>Check</button>
$# </div>
$# </div>

<script type=module>
import { load } from '/static/web.js'
load(() => {
  const updateDomainView = ev => {
    if (include_domain.checked) = 'block'
    else = 'none'
  include_domain.addEventListener('change', updateDomainView)