my eye



import calendar
import datetime
import email

import web

from .util import Header

__all__ = [

def get_timestamp(dt, fmt="rfc822"):
    return a string of datetime `dt` in common log format

        >>> get_timestamp(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
        'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT'

    if dt is None:
        dt = datetime.UTC.localize(
    fmts = {"rfc822": "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", "ncsa": "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"}
    return dt.strftime(fmts[fmt])

def parse_datetime(s):
    parses a date/time stamp taken from an HTTP header

    return datetime(*email.utils.parsedate(s)[:6])

class Entity(Header):


class Allow(Entity):


class ContentEncoding(Entity):


class ContentLanguage(Entity):


class ContentLength(Entity):


class ContentLocation(Entity):


class ContentMD5(Entity):


class ContentRange(Entity):


class ContentType(Entity):


    def content_type(self):
        print("DEBUG", self)
        # _content_type = str(self).partition(";")[0]
        # if not _content_type:
        #     _content_type = "text/plain"
        return str(self)  # _content_type

class Expires(Entity):

    formats an `Expires` header for `delta` from now

    `delta` is a `datetime.timedelta` object or a number of seconds.


    def __init__(self, when):
        # FIXME either seconds a la TTL or datetime according to W3C
        now =
        if isinstance(when, str):
                when = int(when)
            except ValueError:
                then = parse_datetime(when)
                when = calendar.timegm(then.utctimetuple()) - calendar.timegm(
        if isinstance(when, int):
            when = datetime.timedelta(seconds=when)
        dt = now + when
        self.header = get_timestamp(dt=dt)

class LastModified(Entity):


    # def __init__(self, when):
    #     self.header = util.format_datetime(when)