my eye


$def with (breadcrumbs, fullpath, separator="▸", padding=" ")
$ """
$ Render a `separator` delimited list of linkified `breadcrumbs`.
$ `breadcrumbs` should be a single tuple that will be read two items at a time:
$     ("path", "Name", "subpath", "Subname", ...)
$ """
$ fullparts = fullpath.split("/")
$ app = fullparts[0]
$if len(fullparts) > 1:
    $ breadcrumbs = [app, app.capitalize()] + breadcrumbs
$ remaining = int(len(breadcrumbs) / 2)
$ path = ""
$if len(fullparts) > 1:
    <nav class=breadcrumbs>
    $for crumb_path, crumb_title in zip(*(breadcrumbs[i::2] for i in (0, 1))):
        $ crumb_path = str(crumb_path)
        $ crumb_icon, crumb_classes = None, None
        $if isinstance(crumb_title, tuple):
            $ crumb_icon, crumb_classes, crumb_title = crumb_title
        $ ups = " ".join(["up"] * remaining)
        $ remaining = remaining - 1
        $ intro_padding = ""
        $if path:
            $ intro_padding = padding
        $ path = path + "/" + crumb_path
        $if crumb_icon:
            <span class="crumb-icon-$crumb_icon"></span>&thinsp;\
        $:intro_padding<a href=$path \
        $if crumb_classes:
            class="$' '.join(crumb_classes)"
        $:padding<span class=crumb-sep>$:separator</span></span>\