my eye


$def with (exception, message, traceback)
$def head():
    /*.frame > div > *, div[class|=envblock] {
        float: left;
        width: 45em; }*/
    .frame > div {
        clear: left;
        display: table; }
    .frame table {
        float: left; }
    .frame table td.code {
        padding: 0; }
    article dl {
        // background-color: #073642;
        display: table;
        font-size: .8em;
        margin: 0;
        overflow: auto;
        overflow-y: hidden;
        width: 37em; }
    article dl dt {
        clear: left;
        display: block;
        float: left;
        font-weight: bold;
        width: 20%; }
    article dl dd {
        display: block;
        float: left;
        margin: 0;
        width: 80%; }
    article dl dd pre {
        font-size: 1em;
        line-height: 1.6;
        margin: 0; }
    /*.envblock-user > *, .envblock-request > * {
        clear: left;
        margin-right: 1.5em; }
    .envblock-host > *, .envblock-response > * {
        margin-left: 1.5em; }*/
    /* .focus {
        display: table;
        width: 100%; } */
    /* .dark .focus {
        background-color: #073642; }
    .light .focus {
        background-color: #eee8d5; } */
    article dl {
        width: 100%; }
    article dd pre {
        width: 100%; }
    <link rel=stylesheet href=$tx.origin/static/solarized.css media=screen>
    div.highlight {
      font-size: .75em; }
$var head = head
$var title: Something went wrong
$var subtitle: $exception.__name__: $message

$# $ query = {"q": "python " + exception.__name__ + ": " + str(message) + " !"}
$# <p>Try a <a href="$urlencode(query)">web search</a>
$# for resources related to the exception raised.</p>

$ python_docs = ""
$def render_dictionary(obj_type, obj):
    <dl class="$(obj_type)-objects">
    $for key, value in sorted(obj.items()):
        $if isinstance(value, dict):
            $:render_dictionary("dictionary", value)
        $elif isinstance(value, str):
        $elif isinstance(value, Path):
        $elif __web__ := getattr(value, "__web__", None):
            <pre>$pformat(value, width=80)</pre>
        $# $elif isinstance(value, list):
        $#     <ol>
        $#     $for item in value:
        $#         <li>$item</li>
        $#     </ol>

$ frames = list(reversed(inspect.getinnerframes(traceback)))


<p><big><strong style=color:#dc322f>$exception.__name__: $message</strong></big></p>

<div id=traceback>
$# XXX <ol>
$# XXX $for n, (frame, filename, lineno, function, context, index) in enumerate(frames, 1):
$# XXX     <li>
$# XXX     <small><a href=#frame-$n>$filename</a></small>
$# XXX     $:highlight(context[index], ".py")
$# XXX     </li>
$# XXX </ol>
$for n, (frame, filename, lineno, function, context, index) in enumerate(frames, 1):
    $ system_lib = filename.startswith("/usr")
    <div class=frame id=frame-$n\
    $if system_lib:
    <details \
    $if n < len(frames) and not system_lib:
    <summary><big><strong>$filename.removeprefix(str(getattr(, "working_dir", "")))</strong></big></summary>
    $ code, starting_line = getsourcelines(frame.f_code)
    $:highlight("".join(code), ".py", starting_line=starting_line, focus=lineno)
    $:render_dictionary("traceback", frame.f_locals)


<div id=environment>
<div class=envblock-user>
    $:render_dictionary("environment-user", tx.user.__dict__)
<div class=envblock-host>
<div class=envblock-request>
    <p>$tx.request.method /$str(tx.request.uri.path)</p>
    $:render_dictionary("environment-request", tx.request.headers.__dict__)
    $ body_items = tx.request.body.items()
    $if body_items:
<div class=envblock-response>
    $:render_dictionary("environment-response", tx.response.headers.__dict__)
