my eye

hyphenate text using existing hyphenation dictionaries

Caches dict files and hyphenated words. Supports non-standard
hyphenation patterns.

    >>> h = Hyphenator(__file__.rpartition("/")[0] + "/hyph_en_US.dic")
    >>> h.inserted("subterranean")
    >>> h.wrap("investigatorial", 11)
    ('investiga-', 'torial')
    >>> list(h.iterate("Amsterdam"))
    [('Amster', 'dam'), ('Ams', 'terdam'), ('Am', 'sterdam')]


import codecs
import re

__all__ = ["Hyphenator"]

# cache of per-file HyphenationDictionary objects
_hdcache = {}

# precompile some regular expressions
parse = re.compile(r"(\d?)(\D?)").findall

# Match ^^xx where xx is a two-digit hexadecimal value
_hex_re = re.compile(r"\^{2}([0-9a-f]{2})")

# replace the matched hex string with the corresponding unicode character
def _hex_repl(matchObj):
    return chr(int(, 16))

def replace_hex(text):
    """Replaces ^^xx (where xx is a two-digit hexadecimal value) occurrences
    by the corresponding unicode character.

    return _hex_re.sub(_hex_repl, text)

class ParsedAlternative(object):
    """Parse nonstandard hyphen pattern alternative.

    when called with an odd value, the instance returns an integer with data
    attribute (DataInt) about the current position in the pattern.


    def __init__(self, pat, alt):
        alt = alt.split(",")
        self.change = alt[0]
        if len(alt) > 2:
            self.index = int(alt[1])
            self.cut = int(alt[2]) + 1
            self.index = 1
            self.cut = len(re.sub(r"[\d\.]", "", pat)) + 1
        if pat.startswith("."):
            self.index += 1

    def __call__(self, val):
        self.index -= 1
        val = int(val)
        if val & 1:
            return DataInt(val, (self.change, self.index, self.cut))
        return val

class DataInt(int):
    """An integer with a data attribute.

    Just an int some other data can be stuck to in a data attribute.
    Instantiate with ref=other to use the data from the other DataInt.


    def __new__(cls, value, data=None, ref=None):
        obj = int.__new__(cls, value)
        if ref and type(ref) is DataInt:
   = data
        return obj

class HyphenationDictionary(object):
    """Reads a hyph_*.dic file and stores the hyphenation patterns.

    filename : filename of hyph_*.dic pattern file to read


    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.patterns = {}
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            # use correct encoding, specified in first line
            for encoding in f.readline().split():
                if encoding != b"charset":
                        decoder = codecs.getreader(encoding.decode("ascii"))
                    except LookupError:
                decoder = codecs.getreader("latin1")

            for pat in decoder(f):
                pat = pat.strip()
                if not pat or pat[0] == "%":
                # replace ^^hh with the real character
                pat = replace_hex(pat)
                # read nonstandard hyphen alternatives
                if "/" in pat:
                    pat, alt = pat.split("/", 1)
                    factory = ParsedAlternative(pat, alt)
                    factory = int
                tag, values = zip(*[(s, factory(i or "0")) for i, s in parse(pat)])
                # if only zeros, skip this pattern
                if any(values):
                    # strip zeros and store start offset.
                    start, end = 0, len(values)
                    while not values[start]:
                        start += 1
                    while not values[end - 1]:
                        end -= 1
                    self.patterns["".join(tag)] = start, values[start:end]
        self.cache = {}
        self.maxlen = max(map(len, self.patterns))

    def positions(self, word):
        """Returns a list of positions where the word can be hyphenated.

        E.g. for the dutch word 'lettergrepen' this method returns
        the list [3, 6, 9].

        Each position is a 'data int' (DataInt) with a data attribute.
        If the data attribute is not None, it contains a tuple with
        information about nonstandard hyphenation at that point:
        (change, index, cut)

        change: is a string like 'ff=f', that describes how hyphenation
            should take place.
        index: where to substitute the change, counting from the current
        cut: how many characters to remove while substituting the nonstandard

        word = word.lower()
            return self.cache[word]
        except KeyError:
        prepWord = "." + word + "."
        res = [0] * (len(prepWord) + 1)
        for i in range(len(prepWord) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, min(i + self.maxlen, len(prepWord)) + 1):
                p = self.patterns.get(prepWord[i:j])
                if p:
                    offset, values = p
                    s = slice(i + offset, i + offset + len(values))
                    res[s] = map(max, values, res[s])

        positions = [DataInt(i - 1, ref=r) for i, r in enumerate(res) if r % 2]
        self.cache[word] = positions
        return positions

class Hyphenator(object):
    """Reads a hyph_*.dic file and stores the hyphenation patterns.

    Provides methods to hyphenate strings in various ways.
    -filename : filename of hyph_*.dic to read
    -left: make the first syllable not shorter than this
    -right: make the last syllable not shorter than this
    -cache: if true (default), use a cached copy of the dic file, if possible

    left and right may also later be changed:
      h = Hyphenator(file)
      h.left = 1


    def __init__(self, filename, left=2, right=2, cache=True):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        if not cache or filename not in _hdcache:
            _hdcache[filename] = HyphenationDictionary(filename)
        self.hd = _hdcache[filename]

    def positions(self, word):
        """Returns a list of positions where the word can be hyphenated.

        See also HyphenationDictionary.positions. The points that are too
        far to the left or right are removed.

        right = len(word) - self.right
        return [i for i in self.hd.positions(word) if self.left <= i <= right]

    def iterate(self, word):
        """Iterate over all hyphenation possibilities, the longest first."""
        for p in reversed(self.positions(word)):
                # get the nonstandard hyphenation data
                change, index, cut =
                if word.isupper():
                    change = change.upper()
                c1, c2 = change.split("=")
                yield word[: p + index] + c1, c2 + word[p + index + cut :]
                yield word[:p], word[p:]

    def wrap(self, word, width, hyphen="-"):
        """Returns the longest possible first part and the last part of the
        hyphenated word.

        The first part has the hyphen already attached. Returns None, if there
        is no hyphenation point before width, or if the word could not be

        width -= len(hyphen)
        for w1, w2 in self.iterate(word):
            if len(w1) <= width:
                return w1 + hyphen, w2

    def inserted(self, word, hyphen="-"):
        """Returns the word as a string with all the possible hyphens inserted.

        E.g. for the dutch word 'lettergrepen' this method returns the string
        'let-ter-gre-pen'. The hyphen string to use can be given as the second
        parameter, that defaults to '-'.

        letters = list(word)
        for p in reversed(self.positions(word)):
                # get the nonstandard hyphenation data
                change, index, cut =
                if word.isupper():
                    change = change.upper()
                letters[p + index : p + index + cut] = change.replace("=", hyphen)
                letters.insert(p, hyphen)
        return "".join(letters)

    __call__ = iterate

def main():
    import sys

    dict_file = sys.argv[1]
    word = sys.argv[2]
    if not isinstance(word, str):
        import locale

        word = word.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding())

    h = Hyphenator(dict_file, left=1, right=1)

    for i in h(word):
        print(" \u2013 ".join(i))

if __name__ == "__main__":