my eye

Clean up files listing and add more commits to project index

Committed e0f669

--- a/webint_code/templates/project/index.html
+++ b/webint_code/templates/project/index.html

 /* h2 {
   display: none; } */
-.files, .commits {
+#files {
+  background-color: #073642;
+  font-family: UbuntuMonoPowerline;
+  padding: .5em; }
+#files ul, .commits {
   list-style: none;
   padding-left: 0; }
 .testindicator {
 $if repo.exists():
-    $ git_clone = f"git clone {tx.origin}/code/projects/{project}.git"
+    $ git_clone_url = f"{tx.origin}/code/projects/{project}.git"
-    copyText = () => {
-      navigator.clipboard.writeText('$git_clone')
-    }
+    copyText = () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText('$git_clone') }
-    <pre><small><button onclick=copyText()>📋</button> \
-    $git_clone</small></pre>
+    <pre><small>git clone $git_clone_url <button onclick=copyText()>📋</button></small></pre>
+    <div id=files>
     $ ignorable_files = (
     $   ".github",
     $   ".gitignore",
     $ )
     $ files = sorted(repo.files)
     $ prev_file = None
+    <ul>
+    $ unique_files = [f for f in files if str(f).partition("/")[0] not in ignorable_files]
+    $for file in unique_files:
+        $ file, is_dir, _ = str(file).partition("/")
+        $if file == prev_file:
+            $continue
+        <li><a href=/projects/$project/files/$file>$file</a>\
+        $if is_dir:
+            /
+        </li>
+        $ prev_file = file
+    </ul>
+    $ prev_file = None
     $ known_files = [f for f in files if str(f).partition("/")[0] in ignorable_files]
     <p style=font-size:.8em>\
     $for file in known_files:
         $if not loop.last:
-    $ prev_file = None
-    <ul class=files>
-    $ unique_files = [f for f in files if str(f).partition("/")[0] not in ignorable_files]
-    $for file in unique_files:
-        $ file, is_dir, _ = str(file).partition("/")
-        $if file == prev_file:
-            $continue
-        <li><a href=/projects/$project/files/$file>$file</a>\
-        $if is_dir:
-            /
-        </li>
-        $ prev_file = file
-    </ul>
+    </div>
 $if readme:
     <link rel=stylesheet href=$tx.origin/static/solarized.css media=screen>
     $if repo.exists():
         <ul class="commits h-feed">
-        $for commit in list(repo.log.values())[:1]:
+        $for commit in list(repo.log.values())[:5]:
             $ author_url = commit['author_email']
             $if "@" in author_url:
                 $ author_url = f"mailto:{author_url}"