my eye

Fix null case of zero commits

Committed 67d654

--- a/webint_code/templates/project/index.html
+++ b/webint_code/templates/project/index.html

 $# </div>
 $if repo.exists():
-    $ commit = list(repo.log().values())[0]
-    $ author_url = commit["author_email"]
-    $if "@" in author_url:
-        $ author_url = f"mailto:{author_url}"
-    $else:
-        $ author_url = f"https://{author_url}"
-    <div class=h-entry>
-    $# <a class=u-author href="$author_url">$commit["author_name"]</a>
-    <span class=p-name>$:str(mkdn(commit["message"]))[3:-4]</span>
-    $if "errors" in test_results:
-        $if test_results["errors"]:
-            $ test_color = "red"
-            $ test_indicator = "&#x25a0;"
-            $ plural = ""
-            $if test_results["errors"] > 1:
-                $ plural = "s"
-            $ test_msg = f"{test_results['errors']} test{plural} of {test_results['tests']} failing"
+    $ commits = list(repo.log().values())
+    $if commits:
+        $ commit = commits[0]
+        $ author_url = commit["author_email"]
+        $if "@" in author_url:
+            $ author_url = f"mailto:{author_url}"
-            $ test_color = "green"
-            $ test_indicator = "&#x25cf;"
-            $ plural = ""
-            $if test_results["tests"] > 1:
-                $ plural = "s"
-            $ test_msg = f"{test_results['tests']} test{plural} passing"
-        <span style=color:$test_color>$:test_indicator</span>
-        $test_msg in $test_results["time"]<small>s</small>
-    <small><small>
-    <a class=u-url href=/projects/$project/commits/$commit["hash"]>\
-    <code>$commit["hash"][:7].upper()</code> <time class=dt-published \
-    datetime=$commit["timestamp"].isoformat()>\
-    $:commit["timestamp"].diff_for_humans().replace(" ", "&nbsp;")</time></a>
-    </small></small>
-    <a href=/projects/$project/commits><strong>$len(repo.log())</strong> commits</a>
-    </div>
+            $ author_url = f"https://{author_url}"
+        <div class=h-entry>
+        $# <a class=u-author href="$author_url">$commit["author_name"]</a>
+        <span class=p-name>$:str(mkdn(commit["message"]))[3:-4]</span>
+        $if "errors" in test_results:
+            $if test_results["errors"]:
+                $ test_color = "red"
+                $ test_indicator = "&#x25a0;"
+                $ plural = ""
+                $if test_results["errors"] > 1:
+                    $ plural = "s"
+                $ test_msg = f"{test_results['errors']} test{plural} of {test_results['tests']} failing"
+            $else:
+                $ test_color = "green"
+                $ test_indicator = "&#x25cf;"
+                $ plural = ""
+                $if test_results["tests"] > 1:
+                    $ plural = "s"
+                $ test_msg = f"{test_results['tests']} test{plural} passing"
+            <span style=color:$test_color>$:test_indicator</span>
+            $test_msg in $test_results["time"]<small>s</small>
+        <small><small>
+        <a class=u-url href=/projects/$project/commits/$commit["hash"]>\
+        <code>$commit["hash"][:7].upper()</code> <time class=dt-published \
+        datetime=$commit["timestamp"].isoformat()>\
+        $:commit["timestamp"].diff_for_humans().replace(" ", "&nbsp;")</time></a>
+        </small></small>
+        <a href=/projects/$project/commits><strong>$len(repo.log())</strong> commits</a>
+        </div>
     <div id=files>
     $ ignorable_files = (