# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuptools import setup
packages = \
package_data = \
{'': ['*']}
install_requires = \
entry_points = \
{'console_scripts': ['mf = mf:main']}
setup_kwargs = {
'name': 'microformats',
'version': '0.5.1',
'description': 'tools for microformats production, consumption and analysis',
'long_description': '[microformats][0] are the simplest way to openly publish contacts, events,\nreviews, recipes, and other structured information on the web.\n\n >>> import mf\n >>> url = "https://alice.example"\n >>> doc = f\'\'\'\n ... <p class=h-card><a href={url}>Alice</a></p>\n ... <ul class=h-feed>\n ... <li class=h-entry>foo\n ... <li class=h-entry>bar\n ... </ul>\n ... \'\'\'\n >>> page = mf.parse(doc=doc, url=url)\n\n # TODO >>> dict(page)\n # TODO >>> page.json\n\n >>> card = page["items"][0]\n >>> card["type"]\n [\'h-card\']\n >>> card["properties"]\n {\'name\': [\'Alice\'], \'url\': [\'https://alice.example\']}\n >>> feed = page["items"][1]\n >>> feed["children"][0]["properties"]["name"]\n [\'foo\']\n\n >>> mf.util.representative_card(page, url)\n {\'name\': [\'Alice\'], \'url\': [\'https://alice.example\']}\n >>> mf.util.representative_feed(page, url)["items"][0]["name"]\n [\'foo\']\n\n # TODO >>> page.representative_card\n # TODO {\'name\': [\'Alice\'], \'url\': [\'https://alice.example\']}\n # TODO >>> page.representative_feed["items"][0]["name"]\n # TODO [\'foo\']\n\nBased upon [`mf2util`][1].\n\n[0]: https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats\n[1]: https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util\n',
'author': 'Angelo Gladding',
'author_email': 'angelo@ragt.ag',
'maintainer': 'None',
'maintainer_email': 'None',
'url': 'https://ragt.ag/code/projects/python-microformats',
'packages': packages,
'package_data': package_data,
'install_requires': install_requires,
'entry_points': entry_points,
'python_requires': '>=3.10,<3.11',