my eye


tools for microformats production, consumption and analysis
IndieWeb, microformats


Release 0.5.1 0DAAE80 12 commits

.github/,, pyproject.toml

[microformats][0] are the simplest way to openly publish contacts, events, reviews, recipes, and other structured information on the web.

>>> import mf
>>> url = "https://alice.example"
>>> doc = f'''
... <p class=h-card><a href={url}>Alice</a></p>
... <ul class=h-feed>
... <li class=h-entry>foo
... <li class=h-entry>bar
... </ul>
... '''
>>> page = mf.parse(doc=doc, url=url)
# TODO >>> dict(page)
# TODO >>> page.json
>>> card = page["items"][0]
>>> card["type"]
>>> card["properties"]
{'name': ['Alice'], 'url': ['https://alice.example']}
>>> feed = page["items"][1]
>>> feed["children"][0]["properties"]["name"]
>>> mf.util.representative_card(page, url)
{'name': ['Alice'], 'url': ['https://alice.example']}
>>> mf.util.representative_feed(page, url)["items"][0]["name"]
# TODO >>> page.representative_card
# TODO {'name': ['Alice'], 'url': ['https://alice.example']}
# TODO >>> page.representative_feed["items"][0]["name"]
# TODO ['foo']

Based upon [mf2util][1].