my eye

Move into README

Committed e37289

--- a/
+++ b/

     curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sudo bash
-## Install configuration files
+## Initialize directory structure
+    !shell
+    mkdir ~/media/cache/.rtorrent-session -p
+    mkdir ~/media/desktop
+    mkdir ~/media/documents
+    mkdir ~/media/downloads
+    mkdir ~/media/music
+    mkdir ~/media/pictures
+    mkdir ~/media/public
+    mkdir ~/media/templates
+    mkdir ~/media/videos/tv/timeshift -p
+## Configure applications and install plugins
     git clone --recurse-submodules .dotfiles
     cd .dotfiles
-    sh
+    stow autostart devilspie2 dircolors git kaffeine neovim openvpn pypoetry \
+      rtorrent tmux user-dirs zsh
+### Install Neovim Plugins
+    !shell
+    sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim \
+        --create-dirs'
+    nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa
+    nvim --headless UpdateRemotePlugins +qa
+### Install Tmux Plugins
+    !shell
+    tmux
-## Setup terminal and shell
+<kbd>leader + I</kbd>
+### Change shell to Zsh
+    !shell
+    chsh -s /bin/zsh
+### Configure terminal
 1.  Text > Text Appearance > Custom font > "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline (10pt)"
 2.  Text > Sound > Uncheck "Terminal bell"
 3.  Scrolling > Uncheck "Show scrollbar"
-    ./gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/
-    chsh -s /bin/zsh
+    ./solarized-terminal/
-## Configure GNOME
+### Configure GNOME
-### Tweaks
+From `gnome-tweaks`:
 -   Keyboard & Mouse > Additional Layout Options > Ctrl position > "Caps Lock as Ctrl"
 -   Appearance > Themes > Applications > "Adwaita-dark"
-### Extension
-Go to and install "Hide Top Bar" by tuxor1337
-### Session
+Install [Hide Top Bar](
-Sign out, change session to "GNOME on Xorg" and sign back in
+Sign out, change session to "GNOME on Xorg" and sign back in.

index 98b6aa3..0000000
--- a/

-stow autostart
-stow devilspie2
-stow dircolors
-stow git
-stow kaffeine
-mkdir ~/media/videos/tv/timeshift -p
-sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim \
-    --create-dirs'
-stow neovim
-nvim --headless +PlugInstall +qa
-nvim --headless UpdateRemotePlugins +qa
-stow openvpn
-stow pypoetry
-stow rtorrent
-mkdir ~/media/cache/.rtorrent-session -p
-stow tmux
-stow user-dirs
-mkdir ~/media/desktop
-mkdir ~/media/documents
-mkdir ~/media/downloads
-mkdir ~/media/music
-mkdir ~/media/pictures
-mkdir ~/media/public
-mkdir ~/media/templates
-mkdir ~/media/videos
-stow zsh