my eye

Style fixes

Committed 713121

- Breadcrumb whitespace on root - Article classes on spaify - Feed entry whitespace and privacy opacity

--- a/canopy/static/screen.css
+++ b/canopy/static/screen.css

 h1 {
     font-size: 4em;
     line-height: .8;
-    margin: .2em 0 .4em 0; }
+    margin: 0 0 .4em 0; }
 h1 span {
     font-family: cursive; }
+article#content > nav.breadcrumbs + h1 {
+    margin-top: .2em; }
 body > nav .h-card p {
     font-family: sans-serif;
     font-size: .9em;
   width: .725em;
   writing-mode: vertical-rl; }
-.h-entry {
-  display: table;
-  margin: 0 0 1em 0;
-  width: 100%; }
-.h-entry.private {
-  border: .1em solid #b58900; }
+.h-feed .h-entry {
+  display: block;
+  margin: 0 0 1em 0; }
+.h-feed .h-entry.private {
+  opacity: .5; }
+.h-feed .h-entry.private:hover {
+  opacity: 1; }
+.h-feed .published {
+  margin: .25em 0 0 0;
+  text-align: right; }
 .apps {
   margin: .5em 0; }

--- a/canopy/templates/index.html
+++ b/canopy/templates/index.html

 $def with ()
-$# var classes = ["h-feed"]
+$var article_classes = ["h-feed"]
 #content img {
         $ project = item
         <div>Created project <code class=p-name>$project["name"][0]</code></div>
     $ published = item['published'][0]
-    <p style=text-align:right><small><a class=u-url href=$item["url"][0]><time class=dt-published
+    <p class=published><small><a class=u-url href=$item["url"][0]><time class=dt-published
     title="$published" datetime="$published">$published.diff_for_humans()</time>\

--- a/canopy/templates/template.html
+++ b/canopy/templates/template.html

 <article id=content\
-$if "classes" in resource:
-     class="$' '.join(resource.classes)"\
+$if "article_classes" in resource:
+     class="$' '.join(resource.article_classes)"\
 $if path:
     $ breadcrumbs = []
     $if "breadcrumbs" in resource:
         $ breadcrumbs = list(resource["breadcrumbs"])
-    <nav class=breadcrumbs>$:render_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs, path)</nav>
+    $:render_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs, path)
 $if "title" in resource:
     $if getattr(resource, "show_title", True):