Make video chat and dictation download on demand
Committed 429e50
--- a/canopy/static/enliven.js
+++ b/canopy/static/enliven.js
const initDictation = async () => {
+ microphoneStatus('downloading')
+ injectScript('/assets/vosk-0.0.8.js')
const partialContainer = document.querySelector('#search .partial')
join.disabled = true = 'none'
- const tag = document.createElement('script')
- tag.src = '/chats/mediasoup-demo-app.js'
- document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag)
+ injectStylesheet('/chats/mediasoup-demo-app.css')
+ injectScript('/chats/mediasoup-demo-app.js')
+ injectScript('/chats/resources/js/antiglobal.js')
+ window.localStorage.setItem('debug', '* -engine* -socket* -RIE* *WARN* *ERROR*')
+ if (window.antiglobal) {
+ window.antiglobal('___browserSync___oldSocketIo', 'io', '___browserSync___', '__core-js_shared__')
+ setInterval(window.antiglobal, 180000)
+ }
const autoMute = () => {
if (typeof window.CLIENT !== 'undefined' && window.CLIENT._micProducer) {
let color
let icon
if (mode === 'on' || mode === 'active') {
- if (mode === 'on') { color = 'dc322f' } else if (mode === 'active') { color = '268bd2' }
+ if (mode === 'on') {
+ color = 'dc322f'
+ } else if (mode === 'active') {
+ color = '268bd2'
+ }
icon = `<path d="
M7 7.40991C7 6.08383 7.52677 4.81207 8.46445 3.87439C9.40213 2.93671
10.6739 2.40991 12 2.40991C13.3261 2.40991 14.5978 2.93671 15.5355
14.3869 22.4099 12 22.4099C9.61305 22.4099 7.32384 21.4618 5.63602
19.7739C3.94819 18.0861 3 15.7969 3 13.4099"
stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>`
- } else if (mode === 'off' || mode === 'loading') {
+ } else if (mode === 'off' || mode === 'downloading' || mode === 'loading') {
if (mode === 'off') {
color = '93a1a1'
if (Cookies.get('colormode') === 'dark') { color = '586e75' }
- } else if (mode === 'loading') { color = '6c71c4' }
+ } else if (mode === 'downloading') {
+ color = 'b58900'
+ } else if (mode === 'loading') {
+ color = '6c71c4'
+ }
icon = `<path d="
M17.0005 11.24V13C17.0005 14.3261 16.4737 15.5978 15.536
16.5355C14.5983 17.4732 13.3266 18 12.0005 18C11.4846 17.9975
listen.innerHTML = icon
document.querySelectorAll('#listen path').forEach(el => { = `#${color}` })
+const injectScript = src => {
+ const tag = document.createElement('script')
+ tag.src = src
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag)
+const injectStylesheet = href => {
+ const tag = document.createElement('link')
+ tag.rel = 'stylesheet'
+ = 'screen'
+ tag.href = href
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag)
--- a/canopy/templates/template.html
+++ b/canopy/templates/template.html
<link rel=icon href=/media/$owner["photo"][0]>
$if not tx.request.uri.path:
<link rel=manifest href=/manifest.json>
-<link rel=stylesheet media=screen href=/chats/mediasoup-demo-app.css>
<link rel=stylesheet media=screen href=/static/screen.css>
$if not isinstance(resource, str) and "head" in resource:
height: 2.6em;
width: 2.6em; }
-<script src=/assets/vosk-0.0.8.js></script>
<script src=/assets/webtorrent-2.1.30.js></script>
<script src=/assets/drag-drop-7.2.0.js></script>
<script src=/assets/js-cookie-3.0.5.js></script>
let ownerGivenName = '$owner["name"][0].split()[0]'
<script type=module src=/static/enliven.js></script>
-<script src=/chats/resources/js/antiglobal.js></script>
-window.localStorage.setItem('debug', '* -engine* -socket* -RIE* *WARN* *ERROR*')
-if (window.antiglobal) {
- window.antiglobal('___browserSync___oldSocketIo', 'io', '___browserSync___', '__core-js_shared__')
- setInterval(window.antiglobal, 180000)