my eye

Add dark/light color mode

Committed 1aaef8

--- a/canopy/static/enliven.js
+++ b/canopy/static/enliven.js

 // TODO $.load(...)
 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ev => {
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+  if (!currentColorMode) {
+    cookies.set('colormode', 'dark')
+    currentColorMode = 'dark'
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+  document.documentElement.className = currentColorMode
+  colormode.onmouseup = toggleColorMode
   listen.onmouseup = initDictation
   join.onmouseup = initChat
         document.querySelector('body').style.backgroundImage = 'url(/static/measure.png)'
         cookies.set('rhythm', 'on')
+    } else if (ev.altKey && ev.key == 'c') {         // A-c toggle color mode
+      toggleColorMode()
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       switch (ev.key) {
         case '?': showGuide(); break                 // ?   show the site guide
   document.querySelectorAll('.followlink').forEach(e => e.remove())
+const toggleColorMode = () => {
+  mode = 'dark'
+  if (document.documentElement.className == 'dark')
+    mode = 'light'
+  cookies.set('colormode', mode)
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 const initDictation = async () => {
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+              2.5268 15.5355 3.46448C16.4732 4.40216 17 5.67392 17 7"
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   listen.innerHTML = icon
+  document.querySelectorAll('#listen path').forEach(el => = `#${color}`)

--- a/canopy/static/screen.css
+++ b/canopy/static/screen.css

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--- a/canopy/templates/guide.html
+++ b/canopy/templates/guide.html

 <dd>toggle typographical rhythm indicator
+<dd>toggle dark/light color mode
 <h3>Room Mode</h3>

--- a/canopy/templates/template.html
+++ b/canopy/templates/template.html

 <script src=//></script>
 <script src=//></script>
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+<script src=//></script>
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     $ username = tx.user.session["name"][0]
+<div class=search>
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     <small class=partial></small> <a href=/guide>Guide</a>