my eye

Fix keybindings for showing the guide

Committed 008340

--- a/canopy/static/enliven.js
+++ b/canopy/static/enliven.js

     } else {
       switch (ev.key) {
-        case '?': goGuide(); break                   // ?   show the site guide
+        case '?': showGuide(); break                 // ?   show the site guide
         case 'q': focusQuery(ev); break              // q   focus query input
         case 'f': showKeyboardFollowLinks(); break   // f   show "follow links"
         case 'm': goHome(); break                    // m   go home
       partialContainer.innerHTML = ''
-    if (input == 'help') goGuide()                   // help
+    if (input == 'help') showGuide()                 // help
     else if (input.startsWith('query for')) {        // query for
       const query = input.slice(10)
       document.querySelector('input[name=q]').value = query