"""Manage sites from your website."""
import web
from web import host, tx
app = web.application(
args={"machine": r"\w+", "domain_name": r"\w+"},
"machines": {
"name": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"package": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"app": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"ip_address": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"details": "JSON",
"domains": {
"name": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"nameserver": "TEXT UNIQUE",
"details": "JSON",
def spawn_machine(name, package, app, config):
"""Spin up a VPS and setup a machine."""
machine, secret = web.host.setup_website(name, package, app, config)
"machines", name=name, ip_address=machine.address, details={"secret": secret}
def build(ip_address, program):
details = tx.db.select("machines", where="ip_address = ?", vals=[ip_address])[0][
details[program] = getattr(host, f"setup_{program}")(ip_address)
tx.db.update("machines", where="ip_address = ?", vals=[ip_address], details=details)
class Sites:
"""Manage your websites."""
owner_only = ["get"]
def get(self):
machines = tx.db.select("machines")
return app.view.index(machines)
class Gaea:
def get(self):
# XXX config = host.get_config()
# XXX if web.tx.request.headers["accept"] == "application/json":
# XXX return config
# domains = []
# if "registrar" in config:
# registrar = dict(config["registrar"])
# clients = {
# "dynadot.com": host.providers.Dynadot,
# "name.com": host.providers.NameCom,
# }
# domains = clients[registrar.pop("provider")](**registrar).list_domains()
# dns = {}
# if "domain" in config:
# dns["ns"] = [
# str(ns)
# for ns in web.dns.resolve(config["domain"], "NS").rrset.items.keys()
# ]
# dns["a"] = web.dns.resolve(config["domain"], "A")[0].address
return app.view.gaea() # config) # , domains, dns)
def post(self):
# form = web.form("subdomain", "name")
form = web.form("provider", "token")
config = host.get_config()
# domain = config["domain"]
# fqdn = domain
# if form.subdomain:
# fqdn = f"{form.subdomain}.{domain}"
# update_config(fqdn=fqdn)
if form.provider == "digitalocean.com":
c = host.digitalocean.Client(form.token)
except host.digitalocean.TokenError:
return {"status": "error", "message": "bad token"}
elif form.provider == "linode.com":
elif form.provider == "hetzner.com":
return {
"status": "error",
"message": f"unsupported provider: {form.provider}",
config = host.update_config(
"provider": form.provider,
"token": form.token,
# try:
# ip_address = config["ip_address"]
# except KeyError:
ip_address = host.spawn_machine("canopy", config["host"]["token"])
config = host.update_config(ipAddress=ip_address, status={})
# registrar = config["registrar"]
# if registrar["provider"] == "dynadot.com":
# dynadot = host.providers.Dynadot(registrar["token"])
# dynadot.create_record(domain, ip_address, form.subdomain)
# elif registrar["provider"] == "name.com":
# namecom = host.providers.NameCom(registrar["username"],
# registrar["token"])
# namecom.create_record(domain, ip_address, form.subdomain)
config = host.update_config(system_setup=True)
config = host.update_config(nginx_installed=True)
# while True:
# try:
# if web.dns.resolve(fqdn, "A")[0].address == ip_address:
# break
# except (
# web.dns.NoAnswer,
# web.dns.NXDOMAIN,
# web.dns.Timeout,
# web.dns.NoNameservers,
# ):
# pass
# else:
# print("waiting for DNS changes to propagate..")
# time.sleep(15)
onion, passphrase = setup_canopy(ip_address) # , form.name, fqdn)
update_config(onion=onion, passphrase=passphrase)
return {"onion": onion, "passphrase": passphrase}
class Machines:
"""Manage your machines."""
def get(self):
return app.view.machines()
def post(self):
form = web.form("name", "package", "app")
config = {
"host": "digitalocean",
"host_token": tx.app.cfg["DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN"],
# token = tx.db.select(
# "providers", where="service = ?", vals=["digitalocean.com"]
# )[0]["token"]
web.enqueue(spawn_machine, form.name, form.package, form.app, config)
raise web.Accepted("machine is being created..")
class Machine:
"""Manage one of your machines."""
owner_only = ["get"]
def get(self, machine):
details = tx.db.select("machines", where="name = ?", vals=[machine])[0]
# try:
# token = get_dynadot_token(tx.db)
# except IndexError:
# domains = None
# else:
# domains = host.dynadot.Client(token).list_domain()
root_ssh = web.host.Machine(details["ip_address"], "root", "admin_key").run
admin_ssh = web.host.Machine(details["ip_address"], "admin", "admin_key").run
return app.view.machine(details, root_ssh, admin_ssh)
class Machine:
"""Configure one of your machines."""
owner_only = ["post"]
def post(self, machine):
config = web.form("webcfg").webcfg
details = tx.db.select("machines", where="name = ?", vals=[machine])[0]
root_ssh = web.host.Machine(details["ip_address"], "root", "admin_key").run
admin_ssh = web.host.Machine(details["ip_address"], "admin", "admin_key").run
admin_ssh("cat > app/run/webcfg.ini", stdin=config + "\ndummy line")
root_ssh("supervisorctl", "restart", "app", "queue")
return "saved"
class MachineBuild:
"""Manage your machine's system updates."""
def get(self):
def post(self):
machine = tx.db.select("machines", where="name = ?", vals=[self.machine])[0]
web.enqueue(host.upgrade_system, machine["ip_address"])
raise web.Accepted("system is updating on the machine..")
class MachineBuild:
"""Manage your machine's builds."""
def get(self):
def post(self):
program = web.form("program").program
machine = tx.db.select("machines", where="name = ?", vals=[self.machine])[0]
web.enqueue(build, machine["ip_address"], program)
raise web.Accepted(f"{program} is building on the machine..")
class Domains:
"""Manage your domains."""
def get(self):
return app.view.domains()
def post(self):
name = web.form("name").name
token = tx.db.select("providers", where="service = ?", vals=["dynadot.com"])[0][
# XXX web.enqueue(spawn_machine, name, token)
raise web.Created("domain has been added..", f"/sites/domains/{name}")
class Domain:
"""Manage one of your domains."""
def get(self):
domain = tx.db.select("domains", where="name = ?", vals=[self.domain_name])[0]
return app.view.domain(domain)