my eye



$def with ()
$# , domains, dns)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Spawn your personal website..</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/static/screen.css>
<h1>Spawn your personal website..</h1>
<p>This installer will walk you through setting up your personal website.</p>

$# $if "machine" in config:
$#     <p>Machine: $config["machine"] <button>Delete</button></p>
$# $else:
    <form id=spawn>
    <!--h3><input type=radio name=mode value=automatic checked disabled> Automatic</h3-->
    <h2>Choose a host</h2>
    <h3>In the cloud</h3>
    <p>A cloud host is an organization that will manage an internet-connected
    machine on your behalf typically for a monthly fee.</p>

    <div id=hosts style="display:grid;grid-template-columns:50% 50%;">
    <li><label><input required type=radio name=provider> DigitalOcean
    <small><a href=
    <li><label><input required type=radio name=provider> Linode
    <small><a href=
    <li><label><input required type=radio name=provider> Hetzner
    <small><a href=
    <label>API Token<br>
    <label class=bounding><input required type=text name=token></label></label>

    <div><!-- style=break-inside:avoid-->
    <p id=digitalocean>Go to the <a
    href= target=_blank>Applications
    &amp; API</a> page and generate a new personal access token with write scope.</p>
    <p id=linode>Go to the <a
    href= target=_blank>Tokens</a>
    page and create a new personal access token with full read/write access.</p>
    <p id=hetzner>Go to the <a
    href= target=_blank>Projects</a> page,
    create a new project, go to that project's page, click on "Security" &rarr;
    "API Tokens" and generate a new token with read/write permission.</p>

    <!--h3><input type=radio name=mode value=manual disabled> Manual</h3>
    <p>The machine should be a fresh install of vanilla Debian or Raspberry Pi OS
    (formerly Raspbian).</p>

    <label>IP Address
    <small>of Raspberry Pi / Virtual Machine / localhost / remote</small><br>
    <label class=bounding><input type=text name=host_ip disabled></label></label><br>
    <label>Root Passphrase<br>
    <label class=bounding><input type=text name=root_passphrase disabled></label>

    <div class=buttons><button>Spawn</button></div>
    <div id=progress>
    <p id=machine_spawned></p>
    <p id=system_setup></p>
    <p id=nginx_setup></p>
    <p id=status></p>

$# $if "registrar" in config:
$#     <p>Registrar: $config["registrar"]["provider"]</p>
$# $else:
$#     <form id=registrar>
$#         <fieldset><legend><label><input type=checkbox name=use_domain checked> Domain Name <small>(optional)</small></label></legend>
$#     <p>A domain name registrar is an organization that will register domain names
$#     for you typically for an annual fee.</p>
$#     <p><small>Note: in order to use a domain name your machine must be
$#     publicly reachable.</small></p>
$#     <ul>
$#     <li><label><input type=radio name=provider> Dynadot
$#     <small><a href=></a></small></label></li>
$#     <li><label><input type=radio name=provider> Name
$#     <small><a href=></a></small></label></li>
$#     </ul>
$#     <p id=dynadot>Go to the <a
$#     href= target=_blank>API</a>
$#     page, unlock your account and generate a new key.</p>
$#     <p id=namecom>Go to the <a
$#     href= target=_blank>API</a>
$#     page, agree to the terms if you haven't already and generate a new token.</p>
$#     <label id=username class=field>Username: <label class=bounding><input
$#     type=text name=username></label></label>
$#     <label id=token class=field>Token/Key: <label class=bounding><input
$#     type=text name=token></label></label>
$#     <div class=buttons><button>Save</button></div>
$#     </fieldset>

$# $if "domain" in config:
$#     $if not dns["ns"][0].endswith(config["registrar"]["provider"] + "."):
$#         <p>Your DNS is being managed off-registrar... not supported yet.</p>
$#     <form id=create>
$#     <fieldset><legend>Site Details</legend>
$#     <p>Domain<br>
$#     <input type=text name=domain value=$config["domain"] disabled></p>
$#     <p><label>Subdomain <small>(optional)</small><br><label
$#     class=bounding><input name=subdomain></label></label></p>
$#     <label class=field>Your display name<br><label class=bounding><input type=text
$#     name=name></label></label>
$#     <div class=buttons><button>Create</button></div>
$#     </fieldset>
$#     </form>
$# $else:
$#     <form id=domain>
$#     <select name=domain>
$#     $for domain, expiration in domains:
$#         <option value=$domain>$domain</option>
$#     </select>
$#     <div class=buttons><button>Choose</button></div>
$#     </form>

<script src=/static/main.js></script>