my eye


$def with (query, conversion, iw_profile, ap_profile, formatted_query, result, ipa_pronunciation, cmu_pronunciation, definition, rhymes, web_results, code_projects, code_files, books)
$var breadcrumbs = ("search", "Search")
$var title: $query
$var query = query

pre {
  font-size: .8em;
  width: 100%; }
.profile * {
  vertical-align: top; }
.profile_summary {
  font-size: .8em;
.profile_summary p {
  margin-bottom: 0; }
.profile form {
  margin-top: 1em; }

$if iw_profile or ap_profile:
    <div class=profile
        style="display:grid;grid-gap:1em;grid-template-columns:20% auto;margin:2em 0 0 0">
        $if iw_profile:
            $ profile = iw_profile
            $if photos := profile.get("photo"):
                <img src=$photos[0] style=width:100%>
            <p style=margin:0><big><strong>$profile["name"][0]</strong></big><br>
            $if urls := profile.get("url"):
                $for url in urls:
                    <a href=$url>$url</a>
                    $if not loop.last:
            <div class=profile_summary>$:profile["note"][0]</div>
            $if tags := profile.get("category"):
                <div style=font-size:.8em>
                $for tag in tags:
                    $if "value" in tag:
                    $if not loop.last:
        $elif ap_profile:
            $ profile = ap_profile
            $if photos := profile.get("icon"):
                $if not isinstance(photos, list):
                    $ photos = [photos]
                <img src=$photos[0]["url"] style=width:100%>
            <p style=margin:0><big><strong>
            $ name = profile.get("name")
            $ preferred_username = profile.get("preferredUsername")
            $if name:
            $if name and preferred_username:
            $if preferred_username:
            $if name and preferred_username:
            $if "url" in profile:
                $ urls = profile["url"]
                $if not isinstance(urls, list):
                    $ urls = [urls]
                $for url in urls:
                    <a href=$url>$url</a>
                    $if not loop.last:
            <div class=profile_summary>$:profile["summary"]</div>
            $if "tag" in profile:
                <div style=font-size:.8em>
                $for tag in profile["tag"]:
                    $if not loop.last:
    $if tx.user.is_owner:
        <form action=/people method=post style=text-align:right>
            <input type=hidden name=identifier value="$query">
    <summary>Full Summary</summary>

$if conversion:
    <p>$conversion[0] = $conversion[1]</p>

$if result:

$if definition:
    <p><strong title="$cmu_pronunciation">$ipa_pronunciation</strong>, $definition<br>
    <small>rhymes: $", ".join(rhymes)</small></p>

<h2>Across the Web</h2>
$if web_results:
    $ featured_sites = {
    $   "$": ("$tx.origin/media/6ysi.png", " — $['name'][0]"),
    $   "": ("", " - IndieWeb"),
    $   "": ("", " - Wikipedia"),
    $   "": ("", " - YouTube"),
    $   "": ("", " | MDN - MDN Web Docs"),
    $   "": ("", " - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)"),
    $   "": ("", " - Stack Overflow"),
    $   "": ("", " - IMDb"),
    $   "": ("", " — Python \d\.\d{,2}\.0.+")
    $ }
    $ blocked_sites = (
    $   "www.$",
    $   "",
    $   "",
    $   "",
    $ )
    $for result_url, result_text in web_results:
        $ opacity = .75
        $ font_size = "1em"
        $ icon = None
        $ suffix = ""
        $if in featured_sites:
            $ font_size = "1.25em"
            $ icon, suffix = featured_sites[]
            $ opacity = 1
            $if == "" and not result_url.path.startswith("en-US"):
        $elif in blocked_sites:
        <div style="opacity:$opacity;line-height:1;margin:.25em 0">
        <a href=$result_url>$re.sub(f"{suffix}$", "", result_text)</a><br>
        $if icon:
            <img style=height:1.25em;position:relative;top:.225em src=$icon>&ensp;\
    <p>0 results</p>

$if code_projects.most_common()[0][0]:
    $for project, file_count in code_projects.most_common():
        <li><a href=$tx.origin/code/projects/$project>$project</a>
        $ files = code_files[project]
        $for code_file in sorted(files)[:3]:
            <a href=$tx.origin/code/projects/$project/files/$code_file
            $if not loop.last:
                , \
        $if len(files) > 3:
             <em>and $(file_count - 3) more</em>
    <p>0 results</p>

$# <h2>Books</h2>
$# <p>found $books.pop("found") document out of $books.pop("out_of"),
$# search took $books.pop("search_time_ms")ms</p>
$# <ul>
$# $for book in books.pop("hits"):
$#     <li><p>$book.pop("document")</p>
$#     <p>$book.pop("highlights")</p>
$#     <pre>$pformat(book)</pre>
$#     </li>
$# </ul>
$# XXX <pre>$pformat(books)</pre>