my eye


$def with (permalink, entry, mentions)
$var title = "?"
$ p = entry["published"][0]
$if re.match("(19|20)\d\d", tx.request.uri.path):
    $var breadcrumbs = (p.format("MM"), p.format("MMMM"), p.format("DD"), p.format("D"))
$var body_classes = ["h-entry"]  # widescreen

$# <link rel=alternate type=application/diamond-types href=${permalink}.dt
$#       title="versioned history of this document"/>

<a class=u-url href=$permalink></a>
<a class=u-author href=/></a>
$if "mastodon" in entry.get("syndication", []):
    <a class=u-bridgy-fed href=></a>

$ type = discover_post_type(entry)

$def render_content(entry):
    $if "content" in entry:
        $ content = entry["content"][0]
        <div id=previewContent>
        $if isinstance(content, dict) and "html" in content:
            <div class=e-content>$:post_mkdn(content["html"])</div>
            <div class=p-content>$:post_mkdn(content)</div>

$if type == "note":
$elif type == "article":
    $var title = entry["name"][0]
$elif type == "weight":
    <h2 class=p-summary>$entry["summary"][0]</h2>
    $ weight = entry["weight"][0]
    <p class="p-weight h-measure"><span class=p-num>$weight["num"]</span>
    <span class=p-unit>$weight["unit"]</span></p>
$elif type == "audio/clip":
    $# $var title = entry["name"][0]
    $# <h2 class=p-name>$entry["name"][0]</h2>
    <audio class="u-audio" src="$entry['audio'][0]" controls="controls">
    $ quotation_of = entry["quotation-of"][0]
    <p>Clipped from <strong><a class=u-quotation-of
    $# XXX <div class=u-content>$:post_mkdn(entry["content"][0])</div>
$elif type == "bookmark":
    $ bookmark = entry["bookmark-of"][0]
    $var title: Bookmarked $bookmark
    <p><big>Bookmarked <a class=u-bookmark-of
$elif type == "like":
    $ like = entry["like-of"][0]
    $var title: Liked $like
    <p class=p-name><big class="h-cite u-like-of">Liked
    <a class="p-name u-url" href=$like>$like</a></big></p>
$elif type == "rsvp":
    $ in_reply_to = entry["in-reply-to"][0]
    $ rsvp = entry["rsvp"][0]
    $var title: RSVP $rsvp to $in_reply_to
    $var show_title = False
    $ colors = {
    $   "yes": "859900",
    $   "maybe": "b58900",
    $   "no": "cb4b16",
    $ }
    <p>RSVP <strong class=p-rsvp style="color:#$colors[rsvp];">$rsvp</strong> to
        <a class=u-in-reply-to href=$in_reply_to>$in_reply_to</a></p>

$if tx.user.is_owner:
    <form method=post action=/auth/share>
    $for member_url in entry.get("audience", []):
        <p>$member_url <button>Share</button></p>
    <form method=get action=/editor/draft>
    <input type=hidden name=permalink value=$permalink>

$# <div id=editor></div>
$# <div id=editorStatus></div>

$# $# $if tx.user.is_owner:
$# $#     $for metric, value in Readability(entry["content"][0]).metrics.items():
$# $#         <h4>$metric</h4>
$# $#         <pre>$value</pre>
$# $# XXX $ a = entry["author"]
$# $# XXX <p class="p-author h-card"><a class="u-url p-name" href=$a["uid"]>$a["name"]</a></p>

$def aside():
    <div style=font-size:.7em>
    $if "published" in entry:
        <p>Published <time class=dt-published
    $if "updated" in entry:
        <p>Updated <time class=dt-updated

    <p class=p-visibility

    $ permalink = f"{tx.origin}{entry['url'][0]}"
    <p style=font-weight:bold><a class="u-uid u-url" href=$permalink
    onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText('$permalink'); return false">\

    $# $if tx.user.session:
    $#     <a href=$tx.user.session["uid"][0]/actions?reply=$entry["url"][0]>reply</a>
    $# $else:
    $#     <a href=web+action://reply?url=$entry["url"][0]>reply</a>
$var aside = aside()

$for mention in mentions:
    $ data = mention["data"]
    $# $if data:
    $#     $ a = data["author"]
    $#     $ comment_type = data["comment_type"][0]
    $#     $if comment_type == "like":
    $#         $emoji.emojize(":red_heart:")
    $# $if data:
    $#     <a href=$a["url"]>$a["name"]</a>
    <a href=$mention["source"]><time class=dt-published

$# <style>
$# #editor, #editorStatus {
$#   display: none; }
$# /* div.e-content {
$#   font-size: 2em; } */
$# </style>

$# $elif type == "identification":
$#     $ identification = entry["identification-of"][0]
$#     $var title: Identified $identification["name"]
$#     <p><big>Identified <a class=u-identification-of
$#     href=$identification["url"]>$identification["name"]</a></big></p>
$# $elif type == "follow":
$#     $ follow = entry["follow-of"][0]
$#     $var title: Followed $follow["name"]
$#     <p><big>Followed <a class=u-follow-of
$#     href=$follow["url"]>$follow["name"]</a></big></p>

$# TODO $if tx.user.is_owner:
$# TODO     <script src=/static/understory.js crossorigin=anonymous></script>
$# TODO     <script>
$# TODO     const { MicropubClient } = understory
$# TODO     const pub = new MicropubClient('/pub')
$# TODO     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
$# TODO       pub.getConfig().then(data => console.log(data))
$# TODO       pub.getCategories().then(data => {
$# TODO         data.categories.forEach(cat => {
$# TODO           addCategory(cat)
$# TODO         })
$# TODO       })
$# TODO     })
$# TODO     </script>

<script type=module>
import { load, getBrowser, diamondMonaco, MicropubClient } from '/static/web.js'

const previewMarkdown = content => {
  // XXX name = document.querySelector('#name input[type=text]').value
  // XXX previewName.innerHTML = `<h1>$${name}</h1>`
  if (content == '') {
    previewContent.innerHTML = ''
  let body = new FormData()
  body.append('content', content)
      method: 'POST',
      body: body
  ).then(response => {
    if (response.status === 200) {
      return response.json().then(data => {
        previewContent.innerHTML = data['content']

var frequency = 1.5;  // seconds
var count = 0;
var clean = true;
const tick = () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    if (count++ > frequency * 10 && !clean)
  }, 100);
const updatePreview = () => {
  clean = false;
  if (count > frequency * 10) {
    clean = true;
    count = 0;

const monaco = diamondMonaco(
  '$permalink', editor, editorStatus, connection, version,
  '$(tx.user.session["uid"][0] if tx.user.session else tx.user.ip)'