my eye


$def with (project, repo, readme, package_releases, pyproject, api_python, test_results, test_coverage, mentions)
$var breadcrumbs = ("projects", "Projects")
$ title = project
$var title_classes = ["p-name"]
$var classes = ["h-ragt-ag-project"]

/* h2 {
  display: none; } */
#files {
  background-color: #073642;
  font-family: UbuntuMonoPowerline;
  padding: .5em; }
#files ul, .commits {
  list-style: none;
  padding-left: 0; }
.testindicator {
  border-radius: 50%;
  display: inline-block;
  height: .9em;
  width: .9em; }

$ issues = 0
$ likes = 0
$for mention in mentions:
    $if mention["data"]["comment_type"][0] == "like":
         $ likes += 1
    $elif mention["data"]["comment_type"][0] == "like":
         $ likes += 1

$if issues:
$if likes:
    $emoji.emojize(":red_heart:") <sub>$likes</sub>

    $# <div>
    $# $ data = mention["data"]
    $# $if name := data.get("name", None):
    $#     <h3>$name</h3>
    $# $if data:
    $#     $ a = data["author"]
    $#     $ comment_type = data["comment_type"][0]
    $#     $if comment_type == "like":
    $#         $emoji.emojize(":red_heart:")
    $#     $if content := data.get("content"):
    $#         <div>$:content</div>
    $# $ published = data["published"][0]
    $# <small>Opened <a href=$data["url"]><time class=dt-published
    $# datetime="$published.isoformat()">$published.diff_for_humans()</time></a>
    $# $if data:
    $#     by <a href=$a["url"]>$a.get("name", a["url"])</a>,
    $#     $if comment := data.get("comment"):
    $#         $ comment_count = len(comment)
    $#         $if comment_count:
    $#             💬 $comment_count comment$("s" if comment_count > 1 else "")
    $# </small>
    $# </div>

$if pyproject:
    $ py_project = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]
    $ py_project_name = py_project.pop("name")
    $ title += f"&thinsp;<code style=font-size:.5em>{py_project.pop('version')}</code>"
    $if keywords := py_project.pop("keywords", None):
        $for keyword in keywords:
            $if not loop.last:

$if repo.exists():
    $ git_clone_url = f"{tx.origin}/code/projects/{project}.git"
    copyText = () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText('$git_clone') }
    <pre><small>git clone $git_clone_url <button onclick=copyText()>📋</button></small></pre>

    <div id=files>
    $ ignorable_files = (
    $   ".github",
    $   ".gitignore",
    $   "README",
    $   "",
    $   "pyproject.toml",
    $   "pyrightconfig.json",
    $   "package.json",
    $   "tsconfig.json",
    $   "webpack.config.js",
    $ )
    $ files = sorted(repo.files)
    $ prev_file = None
    $ unique_files = [f for f in files if str(f).partition("/")[0] not in ignorable_files]
    $for file in unique_files:
        $ file, is_dir, _ = str(file).partition("/")
        $if file == prev_file:
        <li><a href=/projects/$project/files/$file>$file</a>\
        $if is_dir:
        $ prev_file = file
    $ prev_file = None
    $ known_files = [f for f in files if str(f).partition("/")[0] in ignorable_files]
    <p style=font-size:.8em>\
    $for file in known_files:
        $ file, is_dir, _ = str(file).partition("/")
        $if file == prev_file:
        <a style=color:#888 href=/projects/$project/files/$file>$file</a>\
        $if is_dir:
        $ prev_file = file
        $if not loop.last:

$if readme:
    <link rel=stylesheet href=$tx.origin/static/solarized.css media=screen>

$if api_members := api_python.get("members"):
    $ _imports, _globals, _exceptions, _functions, _classes = api_members
    <img style=float:right;width:12em src=/projects/$project/api/$(api_python["name"]).svg>
    <h3><a href=/projects/$project/api/$api_python["name"]>$api_python["name"]</a></h3>
    $if mod_doc := api_python["mod"].get("doc"):
    $for module in set(dict(_imports).keys()).difference(stdlib_module_names).difference(set(api_python["descendants"].keys())):
        $if not loop.last:

    $ metrics = api_python["mod"]["metrics"]
    <p><code>$metrics["lines"][1]</code> <abbr title="Logical Lines Of Code">LLOC</abbr>,
    <abbr title=$round(metrics["maintainability"])>
    $if metrics["maintainability"] >= 19:
        highly maintainable
    $elif metrics["maintainability"] >= 9:
        moderately maintainable
        difficult to maintain
    $for func_name, func_details in _functions:
        $if func_name not in api_python["mod"]["all"]:
        <h4 style="margin-bottom:0;padding:0 2em;text-indent:-2em"><a
        <em style=font-weight:normal>$func_details["sig"]</em></h4>
        <div style=font-size:.8em>
        $if func_doc := func_details.get("doc"):

    $for descendant, desc_details in api_python["descendants"].items():
        $if descendant == "__main__":
        <h5><a href=/projects/$project/api/$api_python["name"]/$descendant>$descendant</a></h5>
        $if desc_doc := desc_details["mod"].get("doc"):

        $ metrics = desc_details["mod"]["metrics"]
        <p><code>$metrics["lines"][1]</code> <abbr title="Logical Lines Of Code">LLOC</abbr>,
        <abbr title=$round(metrics["maintainability"])>
        $if metrics["maintainability"] >= 19:
            highly maintainable
        $elif metrics["maintainability"] >= 9:
            moderately maintainable
            difficult to maintain
        $for obj_name, obj_complexity in metrics["complexity"].items():
            $obj_name $obj_complexity

$if pyproject:
    <p><small><strong>Package:</strong> <code>$py_project_name</code>
    $for source in py_project.pop("source", []):
        $if source["name"] == "main":
            <code>@<a href="$source['url']">$source["url"]</a></code>

    $if py_deps := py_project.pop("dependencies", None):
        $for dep, version in sorted(py_deps.items()):
            $ dep_nobreak = dep.replace("-", "&zwj;-&zwj;")
            <code><a href=$dep>$:dep_nobreak</a></code>\
            $if not loop.last:

    $ plugins = py_project.pop("plugins", None)
    $ scripts = py_project.pop("scripts", None)
    $if plugins or scripts:
    $if plugins:
        $if webapps := plugins.pop("webapps", None):
            webapps (
            $for webapp, webapp_callable in webapps.items():
                $ webapp_path = webapp_callable.replace(".", "/").replace(":", "#")
                <a href="/projects/$project/api/$webapp_path">$webapp</a>
                <form method=post action=$tx.origin/sites/machines>
                    <input type=hidden name=package value=$py_project_name>
                    <input type=hidden name=app value=$webapp_callable>
                $if not loop.last:
                    , \
        $if websites := plugins.pop("websites", None):
            websites (
            $for webapp, webapp_callable in websites.items():
                $ webapp_path = webapp_callable.replace(".", "/").replace(":", "#")
                <a href="/projects/$project/api/$webapp_path">$webapp</a>\
                $if not loop.last:
                    , \
    $if scripts:
        scripts (
        $for script, script_callable in scripts.items():
            $ script_path = script_callable.replace(".", "/").replace(":", "#")
            <a href="/projects/$project/api/$script_path">$script</a>\
            $if not loop.last:
                , \
    $if plugins or scripts:

    $ license = py_project.pop("license")
    $ licenses = {"0BSD": "BSD Zero Clause License",
    $             "BSD-2-Clause": 'BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License',
    $             "BSD-3-Clause": 'BSD 3-Clause "Modified" License',
    $             "AGPL-3.0-or-later": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later"}
    <p><small><strong>Licensed:</strong> <a href=$(license).html><code>$licenses[license]</code></a></small></p>

$var title = title

$def aside():
    $if "errors" in test_results:
        $if test_results["errors"]:
            $ test_color = "red"
            $ test_indicator = "&#x25a0;"
            $ plural = ""
            $if test_results["errors"] > 1:
                $ plural = "s"
            $ test_msg = f"{test_results['errors']} test{plural} of {test_results['tests']} failing"
            $ test_color = "green"
            $ test_indicator = "&#x25cf;"
            $ plural = ""
            $if test_results["tests"] > 1:
                $ plural = "s"
            $ test_msg = f"{test_results['tests']} test{plural} passing"
        <span style=color:$test_color>$:test_indicator</span>
        $test_msg in $test_results["time"]<small>s</small></p>

    $if repo.exists():
        <ul class="commits h-feed">
        $for commit in list(repo.log.values())[:5]:
            $ author_url = commit['author_email']
            $if "@" in author_url:
                $ author_url = f"mailto:{author_url}"
                $ author_url = f"https://{author_url}"
            <li class=h-entry>
            $# <small><small><a class=u-url href=/projects/$project/commits/$commit["hash"]>\
            $# <code>$commit["hash"][:7].upper()</code></a></small></small>
            <span class=p-name>$:str(mkdn(commit["message"]))[3:-4]</span>
            $# <a class=u-author href="$author_url">$commit["author_name"]</a>
            <a class=u-url href=/projects/$project/commits/$commit["hash"]><time
            class=dt-published datetime=$commit["timestamp"].isoformat()>\

    $if package_releases:
        <ul class=h-feed>
        $for release in list(reversed(sorted(package_releases, key=semver.parse_version_info)))[:1]:
            <li class=h-entry><a href=/projects/$project/releases/$release>$release</a></li>

$var aside = aside