$def with (url, details, audits, a11y, manifest)
$ short_title = str(url).removeprefix("@").removeprefix("https://")
$# var title = short_title
$ axes = ["identity", "authentication", "posts", "syndication", "posting UI",
$ "navigation", "search", "aggregation", "interactivity", "security",
$ "responses"]
$ statuses = ["pass", "maybe", "fail"]
$def render_uninterpreted(title, object, type):
<div class=uninterpreted>
<a href=//microformats.org/wiki/$title.rstrip("=")><img src=/static/specs/microformats.png
style=float:right;height:2em alt="microformats logo"></a>
<p><em>Uninterpreted <code>$title</code> $type</em>:</p>
$for key, values in sorted(object.items()):
$if not isinstance(values, list):
$ values = [values]
$for value in values:
$if type == "links":
$elif type == "properties":
$ card = details["card"]
$if featured := card.pop("featured", [None])[0]:
<img src=$featured style=width:100%>
$ all_urls = []
$ rels = details["mf2json"]["rels"]
$ meta_props = {}
$ items = details["mf2json"]["items"]
$if items and items[-1]["source"] == "metaformats":
$ meta_props = items[-1]["properties"]
$ name = card.pop("name", [None])[0]
$if name:
$var title = name
$elif meta_name := meta_props.get("name"):
$var title = meta_name[0]
<a href=$url class=urlbox rel=me>
<span><img src=/sites/$(url.minimized)/icon.png style=height:1em;width:1em title="\
$if page_title := details.get("title"):
$if details["domain"]["hsts"]:
<span class=pass><strong>https://</strong></span>
$elif url.scheme == "https":
<span class=pass>https://</span>
<span class=fail>http://</span>
$if whois_created := details.get("whois_created", None):
$ years_held = (pendulum.now() - pendulum.parse(whois_created)).years
$if years_held < 1:
$ whois_color = "red"
$elif years_held < 5:
$ whois_color = "orange"
$elif years_held < 10:
$ whois_color = "yellow"
$elif years_held < 15:
$ whois_color = "green"
$elif years_held < 20:
$ whois_color = "blue"
$elif years_held < 25:
$ whois_color = "purple"
$if "metaverse" in details:
$ hash = details["metaverse"][:5]
<small><a href=/the-street#$hash><code>$hash</code></a></small>
<p>Accessed $details["accessed"]</p>
$ response = details["response"]
<strong title="initial weight">$response["length"] KB</strong>
$if audits:
/ <strong title="total weight">$get_human_size(audits["audits"]["total-byte-weight"]["numericValue"])</strong>
/ <strong title="response time">
$if response["time"] < 1:
$round(response["time"] * 1000) ms
$round(response["time"], 2) s
<div style=font-size:.9em>
$ urls = []
$ web_sign_in = []
$if card:
<div class=h-card>
$# XXX $var title: $:name
$ card.pop("family-name", None)
$ card.pop("given-name", None)
$ nicknames = card.pop("nickname", [])
$ orgs = card.pop("org", None)
$if photo := card.pop("photo", None):
<img src=/sites/$url.minimized/photo.png style=width:100% alt="$name's profile picture">
$# XXX <h1 style=margin-bottom:0>$name</h1>
$ ipa = card.pop("ipa", None)
$ sound = card.pop("sound", None)
$if ipa:
$if sound:
$if nicknames:
<p style=margin-top:0><small>a.k.a. $", ".join(nicknames)</small></p>
$ pronouns = card.pop("pronouns", [])
$ card.pop("pronoun", None)
$if orgs and name == orgs[0]:
$elif pronouns:
$if "they" in pronouns[0]:
$elif "she" in pronouns[0]:
$elif "he" in pronouns[0]:
$if pronouns:
$:pronouns[0].replace(" ", "").replace("/", " / ")
$elif pronouns := card.pop("pronoun", None):
$for pronoun in pronouns:
$if not loop.last:
 / \
$if bday := card.pop("bday", None):
$ year, month, day = re.match("(\d\d\d\d|-)-(\d\d?|-)-(\d\d?|-)", bday[0]).groups()
$if year != "-":
$ year = int(year)
$ month = int(month)
$ day = int(day)
$ months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"]
$ months += ["Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
$ n = now()
<span title="$months[int(month)-1] $day, $year"
$if not (month == n.month and day == n.day):
$if "rel_me" in details:
$ details["rel_me"] = details["rels"].pop("me", []) # TODO REMOVE
$ urls = set(uri(u).minimized for u in card.pop("url", []) + details["rel_me"])
$ reciprocals = set(details.pop("reciprocals", []))
$ self_rel_me = f"indieweb.rocks/{url.minimized}"
$if self_rel_me in reciprocals:
$ urls.discard(self_rel_me)
$ reciprocals.discard(self_rel_me)
$if orgs:
$for org in orgs:
$if isinstance(org, dict):
$ org_props = org.pop("properties")
$if "url" in org_props:
<a href=$org_props["url"][0]>\
$if "url" in org_props:
$if not loop.last:
$if roles := card.pop("role", None):
$for role in roles:
$if not loop.last:
$if note := card.pop("note", None):
<p style=font-size:.75em;hyphens:auto>$note[0]</p>
$if categories := card.pop("category", None):
<p>🏷️ <small>
$for category in categories:
$if isinstance(category, dict):
$ cat_props = category.pop("properties")
$if "url" in cat_props:
<a href=$cat_props["url"][0]>\
$if "url" in cat_props:
$if not loop.last:
$ street_address = card.pop("street-address", None)
$ locality = card.pop("locality", None)
$ region = card.pop("region", None)
$ postal_code = card.pop("postal-code", None)
$ country_name = card.pop("country-name", None)
$if street_address:
$if street_address:
$ area_line = []
$if locality:
$ area_line.append(locality[0])
$if region:
$ area_line.append(region[0])
$", ".join(area_line)
$if postal_code:
$if country_name:
$ emails = [e.partition(":")[2] for e in card.pop("email", [])]
$ tels = []
$for tel in card.pop("tel", []):
$if ":" in tel:
$ keys = set(card.pop("key", []) + rels.pop("pgpkey", []))
$ all_urls = list(urls)
$for _url in sorted(urls):
$if _url.startswith("sms:") or _url.startswith("callto:"):
$ tel = _url.partition(":")[2]
$if tel not in tels:
$ tels.append(tel)
$elif _url.startswith("mailto:"):
$ email = _url.partition(":")[2]
$if email not in emails:
$ emails.append(email)
$if emails:
<ul class=elsewhere>
$for email in emails:
<li>📧 <small><a href=mailto:$email>$email</a></small>
$if "gravatars" in details:
$if gravatar := details["gravatars"].pop(email, None):
<a href=//www.gravatar.com/$gravatar><img style=height:1em
$ web_sign_in.append(email)
$if tels:
<ul class=elsewhere>
$for tel in tels:
<li>📱 <small>$format_phonenumber(tel)</small><br>
<small><a href=callto:$tel>call</a> <a href=sms:$tel>message</a></small>
$ web_sign_in.append(tel)
$if keys:
$for key in keys:
$if not loop.last:
$ web_sign_in.append(uri(key).minimized)
$def render_rel_me(silo_name, domain, profile_pattern, user):
$ path = re.sub(r"(\(.+\))", user, profile_pattern).replace("\\", "")
<a href=/$domain title=$silo_name><img src=/sites/$domain/icon.png
style=height:1em></a> <a href=https://$domain/$path>$user</a>
$ supported_web_signin_silos = ["github.com", "twitter.com"]
$if urls:
$for _url in sorted(urls):
$if _url.startswith(url.minimized):
$ urls.remove(_url)
<ul class=elsewhere>
$for _url in sorted(urls):
$if _url in reciprocals:
$ urls.remove(_url)
$if silo := get_silo(_url):
$if _url.partition("/")[0] in supported_web_signin_silos:
$ web_sign_in.append(_url)
$for _url in sorted(urls):
$if silo := get_silo(_url):
$ urls.remove(_url)
$for _url in sorted(urls):
$if _url.endswith(".onion"):
🧅 <a href=http://$_url>$(_url[:12])…</a></li>
<a href=//$_url>$_url</a></li>
$ card.pop("uid", None) # FIXME: what is it good for?
$if card:
$:render_uninterpreted("h-card", card, "properties")
$if payments := rels.pop("payment", None):
$for payment in payments:
$ payment_url = uri(payment)
<li><img src=/sites/$payment_url.host/icon.png><a href=$payment>$payment_url</a></li>
$if meta_props:
$if meta_photo := meta_props.get("photo"):
<img style=width:100% src=$meta_photo[0]><br>
$if meta_summary := meta_props.get("summary"):
$if meta_content := meta_props.get("content"):
<p>No <a href=https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card>representative
card</a> found.
$if meta_props:
Falling back to <a href=//microformats.org/wiki/metaformats>metaformats</a>.
$ license = rels.pop("license", None)
$if license:
<p><a href=$license[0]>
$if cc := re.match(r"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/([a-z-]+)/(\d.\d)", license[0]):
$ license, version = cc.groups()
<span title="CC $license.upper() $version">
<img class=cclicense src=/static/cc/cc.svg alt="Creative Commons logo">\
$for part in license.split("-"):
<img class=cclicense src=/static/cc/$(part).svg \
alt="Creative Commons $(part) license logo">\
Licensed $license[0].
$if "search_url" in details:
$ search_url, search_query_name = details["search_url"]
<form action=$search_url method=get>
<input type=text name=$search_query_name>
$ rels.pop("search")
$if manifest:
$ bgcolor = manifest.get("background_color", "none")
<div style="background-color:$bgcolor;height:3em;width:100%"></div>
$ auth_ep = rels.pop("authorization_endpoint", None)
$ token_ep = rels.pop("token_endpoint", None)
$ ticket_ep = None
$ indieauth_metadata = details.pop("indieauth_metadata", None)
$ openid_delegate = rels.pop("openid.delegate", None)
$ openid_server = rels.pop("openid.server", None)
$if indieauth_metadata:
$ auth_ep = indieauth_metadata.get("authorization_endpoint", None)
$ token_ep = indieauth_metadata.get("token_endpoint", None)
$ ticket_ep = indieauth_metadata.get("ticket_endpoint", None)
$if auth_ep:
<p class=pass>Supports
<p class=fail>Does not support
<a href=/indieauth><img src=/static/specs/indieauth.svg style=height:1.5em;opacity:25%> IndieAuth</a>\
$if auth_ep:
$if token_ep:
with a <a href=//indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#token-endpoint>token endpoint</a>\
$if ticket_ep:
and a <a href=//indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth#Create_the_IndieAuth_ticket>ticket endpoint</a>\
$# $if auth_ep and not indieauth_metadata:
$# <p class=NOTE><code>rel=authorization_endpoint</code> is deprecated, leave
$# it for now but start using <code>rel=indieauth-metadata</code> instead
$# <sup><a href=https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/\
$# #changes-from-26-november-2020-to-this-version-li-1>read more</a></sup></p>
$ authn = [uri(authn).minimized for authn in rels.pop("authn", [])]
$if web_sign_in:
<p class=pass>Supports <a href=https://microformats.org/wiki/web_sign-in>web sign-in</a>.</p>
$for web_sign_in_endpoint in web_sign_in:
$if authn and web_sign_in_endpoint not in authn:
$# $if openid_delegate and openid_server:
$# <p class=NOTE>OpenID <strong>was a protocol</strong> for using a web address
$# as an identity to sign-in to websites; it is losing support, <strong>is
$# effectively dead</strong> (versions 1 & 2 are both deprecated, sites are
$# dropping support), and <strong>has been replaced on the IndieWeb with
$# web-sign-in and IndieAuth</strong>. <sup><a
$# href=https://indieweb.org/OpenID>read more</a></sup></p>
$ webmention_ep = rels.pop("webmention", None)
$if webmention_ep:
<p class=pass>Supports
<p class=fail>Does not support
<a href=//www.w3.org/TR/webmention/><img src=/static/specs/webmention.svg style=height:1.5em;opacity:25%> Webmention</a> on the homepage.
$ micropub_ep = rels.pop("micropub", None)
$ media_ep = rels.pop("media-endpoint", None)
$if micropub_ep:
<p class=pass>Supports
<p class=fail>Does not support
<a href=//micropub.spec.indieweb.org><img src=/static/specs/micropub.svg style=height:1.5em;opacity:25%> Micropub</a>\
$if micropub_ep and media_ep:
with a <a href=//micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#media-endpoint>media endpoint</a>\
$ microsub_ep = rels.pop("microsub", None)
$if microsub_ep:
<p class=pass>Supports
<p class=fail>Does not support
<a href=//indieweb.org/Microsub><img src=/static/specs/microsub.svg style=height:1.5em;opacity:25%> Microsub</a>.
$ dependencies = []
$# $for stylesheet in details.pop("stylesheets"):
$# $if not stylesheet.startswith(url.normalized):
$# $ dependencies.append(stylesheet)
$# $for script in details.pop("scripts"):
$# $if "src" in script:
$# $if not script["src"].startswith(url.normalized):
$# $ dependencies.append(script["src"])
$# <h2>Media</h2>
$# <h3>Stylesheets</h3>
$# $if details["stylesheets"]:
$# <ol>
$# $for stylesheet in details["stylesheets"]:
$# <li>$uri(stylesheet).normalized</li>
$# </ol>
$# $else:
$# <p><em>No external stylesheets.</em></p>
$# $# TODO inline stylesheets
$# <h3>Scripts</h3>
$# $ scripts = details.pop("scripts")
$# $if scripts:
$# <!--p class=NOTE>Some users have scripting turned off. See
$# <a href=https://indieweb.org/js;dr>js;dr</a>.</p-->
$# <ul>
$# $for script in scripts:
$# <li>
$# $if "src" in script:
$# $if not script["src"].startswith(url.normalized):
$# $ dependencies.append(script["src"])
$# $uri(script["src"]).normalized
$# $elif "text" in script:
$# $# TODO $if script.get("type", None) == "application/ld+json":
$# <details><summary>inline, $len(script["text"]) characters</summary><pre>$script["text"]</pre></details>
$# $else:
$# Unknown: $script
$# </li>
$# </ul>
$# $else:
$# <p><em>No scripting.</em></p>
$# <h3>Images/Audio/Video</h3>
$# <p>...</p>
$ dns_prefetches = rels.pop("dns-prefetch", None)
$ preconnects = rels.pop("preconnect", None)
$if dns_prefetches or preconnects:
$if dns_prefetches:
$ dependencies.extend(dns_prefetches)
<h5>DNS Prefetch</h5>
$for dns_prefetch in dns_prefetches:
$if preconnects:
$ dependencies.extend(preconnects)
$for preconnect in preconnects:
$if dependencies:
<p class=fail>This site has external dependencies.</p>
$for dependency in dependencies:
<p class=pass>This site is truly independent.</p>
$if a11y:
<p class=fail>$len(a11y) accessibility concerns.</p>
<p class=pass>There are no accessibility concerns.</p>
<img src=/sites/$(url.minimized)/screenshot.png style=width:100%>
$if feed := details.pop("feed", None):
$if feed["items"]:
<div class=h-feed>
$for entry in feed["items"]:
$# <pre>$pformat(entry)</pre>
$# $if details["whostyle"]:
$# <iframe
$# onload="this.style.height=(this.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight+25)+'px'"
$# style=border:0;width:100% srcdoc='<link rel=stylesheet href=$uri(details["whostyle"][0]).normalized>
$# <div class=whostyle-$uri(url).minimized.replace(".", "-")>
<div class=entry>
$ entry_url = entry.pop("url", [None])[0]
$ entry_type = entry.pop("type")[0].partition("-")[2]
$ post_type = entry.pop("post-type", None)
$if entry_type == "entry":
$if in_reply_to := entry.pop("in-reply-to", None):
$ reply_url = in_reply_to[0]
$if isinstance(reply_url, dict):
$ reply_url = reply_url["properties"]["url"][0]
$ gh_issue_re = r"https://github.com/(\w+)/([\w-]+)/issues/(\d+)(#([\w-]+))?"
$if gh_match := re.match(gh_issue_re, reply_url):
$ user, repo, issue, _, comment = gh_match.groups()
<img src=/sites/github.com/icon.png style=height:1em alt="GitHub logo">
<a href=https://github.com/$user>$user</a> /
<a href=https://github.com/$user/$repo>$repo</a> /
<a href=https://github.com/$user/$repo/issues>issues</a> /
<a href=https://github.com/$user/$repo/issues/$issue>$issue</a> #
<a href=https://github.com/$user/$repo/issues/$issue#$comment>$comment</a>
$elif tw_match := re.match(r"https://twitter.com/(\w+)/status/(\d+)", reply_url):
$ user, tweet = tw_match.groups()
<img src=/sites/twitter.com/icon.png style=height:1em class="Twitter logo">
<a href=https://twitter.com/$user>$user</a> /
<a href=https://twitter.com/$user/status/$tweet>$tweet</a>
<a href=$reply_url>$reply_url</a>
$if photo := entry.pop("photo", [None])[0]:
<p><img src=$photo style=max-width:100% alt=$photo /></p>
$if entry_name := entry.pop("name", None):
$if summary := entry.pop("summary", None):
$if entry_name != summary:
$if like_of := entry.pop("like-of", [None])[0]:
<p>♥️ <a href=$like_of>$like_of</a></p>
$if content := entry.pop("content", [None])[0]:
$# XXX $if post_type == "article":
$# XXX <p>$content["value"][:280]…</p>
$# XXX $else:
<p>$" ".join(content["value"].split()[:50])… \
<small><a href=$entry_url>read more</a></small></p>
$if categories := entry.pop("category", None):
$for category in categories:
$if not loop.last:
$elif entry_type == "event":
<small>$entry.pop("start") – $entry.pop("end", None)</small></p>
$ entry.pop("start-str", None)
$ entry.pop("end-str", None)
<form method=post action=/micropub>
<input type=hidden name=in-reply-to value="$entry_url">
<select name=rsvp>
<option value=yes>Yes</option>
<option value=no>No</option>
<option value=maybe>Maybe</option>
<p style=text-align:right>\
$if author := entry.pop("author", [None])[0]:
$if isinstance(author, str):
$elif author_url := author.pop("url", None):
$if uri(author_url).minimized not in all_urls:
$if location := entry.pop("location", None):
$if "latitude" in location:
<a href=/map?lat=$location['latitude']&lng=$location['longitude']>\
$location["latitude"], $location["longitude"]</a>
$if published := entry.pop("published", [None])[0]:
<time value="$published.isoformat()" datetime="$published"
$# $get_dt(published).diff_for_humans()
$# $if updated := entry.pop("updated", None):
$# $if updated != published:
$# , <small>updated $get_dt(updated).diff_for_humans()</small>
$ entry.pop("published-str", None)
$ entry.pop("updated", None)
$ entry.pop("updated-str", None)
$if entry_url:
<br><a href=$entry_url>/$uri(entry_url).path.rstrip("/")</a>
$if syndication_urls := entry.pop("syndication", None):
$for syndication_url in syndication_urls:
$if tw_match := re.match(r"https://twitter.com/(\w+)/status/(\d+)", syndication_url):
$ user, tweet = tw_match.groups()
<a href=https://twitter.com/$user/status/$tweet><img
src=/sites/twitter.com/icon.png style=height:1em class="Twitter logo"></a>
$# <a href=https://twitter.com/$user>$user</a> /
$# <a href=https://twitter.com/$user/status/$tweet>$tweet</a>
$if not loop.last:
$ entry.pop("uid", None) # FIXME: what is it good for?
$if entry:
$:render_uninterpreted(f"h-{entry_type}", entry, "properties")
$if details["whostyle"]:
$if rel_next := rels.pop("next", None):
<p>next: <a href=$rel_next[0]>$rel_next[0]</a></p>
$if rel_prev := rels.pop("prev", None):
<p>previous: <a href=$rel_prev[0]>$rel_prev[0]</a></p>
<p><em>No <a href=https://indieweb.org/feed#How_to_Publish>content
feed</a> available.</em></p>
$if scores := details.get("scores"):
<div style="display:grid;grid-template-columns:50% 50%;">
$def list_reasons(level):
<ul id=level$level>
$for n, (status, reason) in enumerate(details["scores"][level-1]):
$if status != 3:
<li id=$(level)-$axes[n] class=$statuses[status]>$:(reason.capitalize()).</li>
<object id=scoreboard data=/sites/$(url.minimized)/scoreboard.svg></object>
<div id=indiemark>
<div style="background-color:#222;color:#999;font-size:.8em;padding:.5em 1em;">
<h4>Level 1: Use your domain for identity, sign-in, and publishing posts</h4>
<h4>Level 2: Improve your personal identity and post multiple types of posts</h4>
<h4>Level 3: Post and send replies from your own site</h4>
<h4>Level 4: Receive and show comments</h4>
<h4>Level 5: Manage comments</h4>
$if rels:
$:render_uninterpreted("rel=", rels, "links")
<footer style=font-size:.8em>
<p><a href=/details/$(url.minimized)>Details (JSON)</a></p>
<form method=post>
$# $if headers := details.get("headers", None):
$# <p>$details["headers"]</p>
$if not tx.user.session:
<form method=get action=/guests/sign-in>
<input type=hidden name=me value=$url.normalized>
<p>If you are the owner of this site you may sign in to gain access to more tools.</p>
<button>Sign in as $details["domain"]["name"]</button>
$# $if tx.user.session and (tx.user.session["uid"][0] == details["url"]):
$# <h3>Site Owner Controls</h3>
$# <button>Test</button>
h2 {
border-bottom: .1em solid #333;
font-size: .9em; }