$def with (resource)
<!doctype html>
<html lang=en-us class=dark>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,\
<meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-capable content=yes>
<meta name=apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style content=black-translucent>
$if "title" in resource:
$resource.title —
<link rel=stylesheet href=/static/web.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/static/screen.css>
<link rel=icon href=/static/favicon.ico>
$if not isinstance(resource, str) and "head" in resource:
$if "body_classes" in resource:
class="$' '.join(resource.body_classes)"\
body {
font-family: sans-serif; }
$# <div style=text-align:right>
$# $if tx.user.session:
$# $if tx.user.is_owner:
$# <form method=post action=/owner/sign-out>
$# $else:
$# <form method=post action=/guests/sign-out>
$# $if tx.user.session["uid"][0] == "/":
$# <a href=/owner>Site Owner</a>
$# $else:
$# <a href=/$uri(tx.user.session["uid"][0]).minimized>$tx.user.session["name"][0]</a>
$# <br><button>Sign Out</button>
$# </form>
$# $else:
$# <a href=/guests><button>Sign In</button></a>
$# </div>
$if "title" in resource:
<nav><a href=/ rel=home><img src=/static/favicon.ico> IndieWeb Site Validator</a></nav>