my eye



$def with (domains, subdomains)
$var title: The Street
$var body_classes = ["widescreen", "notoolbars"]

<script src=></script>
<script src=></script>
<script src=></script>
bus(() => {
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  themeColor = bus.state[''].theme_color
  console.log("Updating background: ", backgroundColor)
  document.getElementById("21FFF").style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
  document.getElementById("21FFF").querySelector(".theme").style.backgroundColor = themeColor

div#street-top {
  border-bottom: 2em solid #333; }
div#street-bottom {
  border-bottom: 2em solid #333; }
div.street {
  overflow-y: auto;
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  white-space: nowrap; }
div.street div {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 1em 0;
  padding: 1em;
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div.address {
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  width: 20em; } {
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<div style=text-align:center;>
<h1>The Street</h1>
<p>The known IndieWeb sorted by <code>sha256(domain)</code>. See <a
href=>Snow Crash's Metaverse</a>.</p>

$ last_port = 1
<div class=street>
$for hash, domain in domains:
    $ new_port = int(hash[:2], 16) + 1
    $while new_port > last_port:
        $ _port_hex = hex(last_port).partition("x")[2]
        $ port_hex = f"{_port_hex:0>2}".upper()
        <div id=$port_hex class=express-port>Express Port <code>$port_hex</code></div>
        $ last_port += 1
    $ height = 16.5 + int(math.log(len(subdomains[domain])+1) * 3)
    <div id=$hash[:5] class=address style="height:$(height)em;white-space:normal;">
    <div style=margin:0;padding:0;max-height:14em;overflow:auto><img
    src=/sites/$domain/site.png style=width:100%></div>
    <div class=theme style=margin:0;padding:0>
    <a href=/$domain>$domain</a><br>
    $if subdomains[domain]:
        $for subdomain in subdomains[domain][:20]:
            <a href=/$subdomain.$domain>$subdomain</a>\
            $if not loop.last:
        $if len(subdomains[domain]) > 20:
    <a href=#$hash[:5]><code style=font-size:.75em>$hash[:5]</code></a>
<div id=street></div>