my eye


Tools for metamodern software packaging.

Package detail discovery and automated setup.


import inspect
import pathlib
import re
import subprocess
import typing
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader

import pydeps
import toml

# XXX from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound
# XXX from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points as get_entry_points

# XXX from .install import add, remove
# XXX from .listing import get_distribution
# XXX from .system import get_apt_history

__all__ = [
    # XXX "DistributionNotFound",
    # XXX "get_entry_points",
    # XXX "add",
    # XXX "remove",
    # XXX "get_distribution",
    # XXX "get_apt_history",

currently_discovering = False

def get_current_project(project_dir=".") -> typing.MutableMapping:
    """Return a dict of `pyproject.toml` in `project_dir`."""
    with (pathlib.Path(project_dir) / "pyproject.toml").open() as fp:
        return toml.load(fp)

def get_current_packages(project_dir=".") -> list:
    """Return a list of `pyproject.toml` in `project_dir`."""
    project = get_current_project(project_dir)["tool"]["poetry"]
        packages = [p["include"] for p in project["packages"]]
    except KeyError:
        project_name = project["name"].replace(".", "_")
        if not (pathlib.Path(project_dir) / project_name).exists():
            project_name = f"{project_name}.py"
        packages = [project_name]
    return packages

def strip_local_dev_deps(project_dir="."):
    """Remove path-based development dependencies and add gmpg."""
    pyproject_path = pathlib.Path(project_dir) / "pyproject.toml"
        with as fp:
            pyproject = toml.load(fp)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        dev_deps = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["group"]["dev"]["dependencies"]
    except KeyError:
    for dep_name, dep_location in dict(dev_deps).items():
        if isinstance(dep_location, dict):
            if "path" in dep_location:
    dev_deps["gmpg"] = ">=0.1"
    with"w") as fp:
        toml.dump(pyproject, fp)

def detail_package(self):
    a knowledge tree extension for detailing the contents of Python packages

    packages = []

    def handle(file):
        z = discover(file)

    def summarize():
        print("{} packages found: {}".format(len(packages), ", ".join(packages)))

    return handle, summarize

class PackageRepoError(Exception):

    raised when there exists a halting flaw in the package design


def discover(pkgdir: str) -> dict:
    return a dictionary containing package details discovered at `pkgdir`

    # TODO gpg verify
    # TODO author from first commit and maintainer from last tag's commit
    # TODO url=`hg paths default`; verify against ^https://{gpg.comment}/
    # TODO dirty versions
    # TODO long_description = inspect.getdoc(setup_mod)
    # TODO kwargs["package_data"] = {"": ["*.dat", "*.json", "*.yaml"]}
    pkgdir = pathlib.Path(pkgdir)
    if == "":
        pkgdir = pkgdir.parent

    import setuptools

    global discover
    currently_supplied_args = None

    def get_supplied(**args):
        nonlocal currently_supplied_args
        currently_supplied_args = args

    _setup, setuptools.setup = setuptools.setup, get_supplied
    _discover, discover = discover, lambda x, **y: {}
    _setup_loader = SourceFileLoader("setup", str(pkgdir / ""))
    setup_mod = _setup_loader.load_module()
    setuptools.setup, discover = _setup, _discover

    comments = inspect.getcomments(setup_mod)
    name = re.match(r"^# \[`(.*?)`\]\[1\]", comments).groups()[0]
    description = "TODO use docstring"
    # XXX re.match(r"^# \[`.*`\]\[1\]: (.*)", comments).groups()[0]
    license_match ="%\[([A-Za-z ]+)\]", comments)
        license = license_match.groups()[0]
    except AttributeError:
        license = "Unknown"
    url ="^# \[1\]: (.*)$", comments, re.M).groups()[0]
    if url.startswith("//"):
        url = "https:" + url
    download_url = "{}.git".format(url)

    install_requires = currently_supplied_args.get("requires", [])
    entry_points = currently_supplied_args.get("provides", {})
        entry_points["console_scripts"] = entry_points["term.apps"]
    except KeyError:

    versions = gitsh("tag -l --sort -version:refname", pkgdir)
    version = versions.splitlines()[0].lstrip("v") if versions else "0.0"

    committers = gitsh(
        "--no-pager log --no-color | grep " '"^Author: " --color=never', pkgdir

    def get_committer(index):
        return re.match(r"Author: (.*) <(.*)>", committers[index]).groups()

    author, author_email = get_committer(-1)
    maintainer, maintainer_email = get_committer(0)

    packages = setuptools.find_packages(str(pkgdir))
    py_modules = [
        p.stem for p in pkgdir.iterdir() if p.suffix == ".py" and p.stem != "setup"

    kwargs = {}
    if packages:
        kwargs["packages"] = packages
    if py_modules:
        kwargs["py_modules"] = py_modules

    return dict(

def auto_discover(dist, _, setup_file):
    a `distutils` setup keyword for automatic discovery using `discover`

        >>> import setuptools  # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> setuptools.setup(discover=__file__)  # doctest: +SKIP

    global currently_discovering
    currently_discovering = True
    details = discover(setup_file)
    dist.packages = details.pop("packages", [])
    dist.py_modules = details.pop("py_modules", [])
    # dist.install_requires = details.pop("requires", [])
    # dist.entry_points = details.pop("provides") = details.get("author", "")
    dist.metadata.author_email = details.get("author_email", "")

def get_repo_files(setup_dir):
    a `setuptools` file finder for finding installable files from a Git repo

    if not currently_discovering:
        return []
    if not setup_dir:
        setup_dir = "."
    return gitsh("ls-files", setup_dir)

def gitsh(command, working_dir):
    return the output of running Git `command` in `working_dir`

    raw_cmd = "git -C {} {}".format(working_dir, command)
        return subprocess.check_output(
            raw_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        raise PackageRepoError("no Git repo at `{}`".format(working_dir))