my eye


terms of use for software, content & data


import collections
import distutils.version
import json
import re

import pkg_resources

__all__ = ["get_license"]

index = {}
uris = {}
features = collections.defaultdict(list)
pattern = re.compile(

def get_license(identifier):
    return best matching license for given `identifier` (name *or* URI)

    An identifier may contain version information.

        >>> long = get_license("Affero General Public License version 3")
        >>> short = get_license("Affero General Public")
        >>> abbreviated = get_license("AGPL")
        >>> long == short == abbreviated
        >>> long
        <licensing.License: Affero General Public License v3>


    if "/" in identifier and " " not in identifier:
        if identifier.startswith(("http://", "https://", "//")):
            identifier = identifier.partition("//")[2]
            req_name, req_version = uris[identifier]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))
        identifier = identifier.replace("_", " ")
            req_name, req_version = pattern.match(identifier).groups()[::5]
        except AttributeError:
            raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))

    def cmp(kv):
        return distutils.version.LooseVersion(str(kv[0]))

    for name, versions in index.items():
        abbreviation = "".join(w[0] for w in name.split() if w not in {"of"}).lower()
        if req_name.lower().strip() not in (name.lower(), abbreviation):
        version, details = None, {}
        for version, details in sorted(versions.items(), key=cmp):
            if version == req_version:
        if req_version and version != req_version:
            err_msg = "unknown version `{}` for `{}`"
            raise KeyError(err_msg.format(req_version, name))
        return _License(
            features=details.get("features", []),
    raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))

class _License(collections.namedtuple("License", "name version abbr uri features")):

    a `NamedTuple` for licenses

        >>> license = _License(name="Affero General Public", version="3",
        ...                    abbr="AGPLv3", uri="",
        ...                    features=["dfsg","gpl","fsf","osi","copyleft"])
        'Affero General Public'
        >>> license.version
        >>> license.uri
        >>> license.features
        ['dfsg', 'gpl', 'fsf', 'osi', 'copyleft']

        >>> repr(license)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        '<licensing.License: Affero General Public License v3>'
        >>> str(license)
        'Affero General Public License v3 ('
        >>> license.is_compatible("copyleft")


    def canonical(self):
        version = ""
        if self.version != "0":
            version = " v" + self.version
        return "".join((, " License", version))

    def is_compatible(self, compatibility):
        return compatibility in self.features

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<licensing.License: {}>".format(self.canonical)

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} ({})".format(self.canonical, self.uri)

def _load():
    populate license index

    global index
    global uris
    global features
    if index:
    licenses = json.loads(
        pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "licenses.json").decode("utf-8")
    for name, versions in licenses.items():
        for version, details in versions.items():
            license = name, version
            uris[details["uri"]] = license
            for feature in details.get("features", []):