my eye


install & uninstall distributions



import os
import shlex

import pip
import pkg_resources

from . import listing

__all__ = ["add", "remove", "get_orphans"]

class VirtualEnvironmentError(Exception):

    raised when an action is attemped outside a virtual environment


def add(*distributions, editable=False):
    instruct `pip` to install given distributions `dists`

    `pip` will automatically fetch and install required dependencies.

    # TODO verify w/ GPG
    args = ["install"]
    if editable:
    for dist in distributions:
        pip.main(args + [str(dist)])
        # TODO "--no-index -f", CHEESESHOP,
        # TODO "-i",
    write_log("installed", distributions)

def remove(*distributions, clean_reqs=False):
    instruct `pip` to uninstall given `distributions`

    Set `clean_reqs` True to remove distributions' orphaned requirements.

    for distribution in distributions:
        for dist in get_orphans(distribution):
            pip.main(["uninstall", "-y", dist.project_name])
    write_log("remove", distributions)

def write_log(action, distributions):
    # TODO timestamp & sign w/ GPG
        venv_dir = os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"]
    except KeyError:
        raise VirtualEnvironmentError()
    with open(os.path.join(venv_dir, "package.log"), "a") as fp:
        print(f"{action}:", " ".join(str(d) for d in distributions), file=fp)

def get_orphans(distribution):
    dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(distribution)
    return _find_all_dead(listing.get_graph(), set([dist]))

def _find_all_dead(graph, start):
    return _fixed_point(lambda d: _find_dead(graph, d), start)

def _fixed_point(f, x):
    while True:
        y = f(x)
        if y == x:
            return x
        x = y

def _find_dead(graph, dead):

    def is_killed_by_us(node):
        succ = graph[node]
        return succ and not (succ - dead)

    return dead | set(filter(is_killed_by_us, graph))