my eye


Committed 2bad03

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index 0000000..5247e24
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+Tools for metamodern software development.
+Design in accordance with the meta system.
+from .analysis import test
+from .git import clone_repo, get_repo
+from .pkg import (get_current_packages, get_current_project,
+                  strip_local_dev_deps)
+__all__ = [
+    "clone_repo",
+    "get_repo",
+    "test",
+    "get_current_project",
+    "get_current_packages",
+    "strip_local_dev_deps",

index 0000000..3861318
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+"""Packaging tools for the terminal."""
+import json
+import os
+import pathlib
+import txt
+import gmpg
+from . import pkg
+main = txt.application("gmpg", gmpg.__doc__)
+def complete_distname(prefix, **kwargs):
+    return (
+        dist.project_name
+        for dist in gmpg.listing.get_environment()
+        if dist.startswith(prefix)
+    )
+class Test:
+    """Test a package."""
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        gmpg.test()
+class Analyze:
+    """Analyze the API of a package."""
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        project_name = gmpg.get_current_packages()[0]
+        with open("api_python.json", "w") as fp:
+            json.dump(gmpg.analysis.get_api(project_name), fp)
+class Graph:
+    """Graph the dependencies of a package."""
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        project_name = gmpg.get_current_packages()[0]
+        gmpg.analysis.generate_dependency_graph(project_name)
+class Commit:
+    """Commit a change to the package."""
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        pass  # TODO pare down publish to only push
+class Publish:
+    """Publish a package to PyPI and GitHub."""
+    def setup(self, add_arg):
+        add_arg(
+            "rule",
+            choices=["patch", "minor", "major"],
+            help="increment to bump the version",
+        )
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        stashed = False
+        try:
+            sh.git("diff", "--quiet")
+        except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
+            if input("Repo is dirty! Stash? [y/N] ").lower() == "y":
+                sh.git("stash", "push", "--keep-index")
+                stashed = True
+            else:
+                return 1
+        try:
+            print(
+                sh.poetry(
+                    "run",
+                    "pytest",
+                    "--doctest-modules",
+                    doctest_glob="README*",
+                    cov=".",
+                )
+            )
+        except sh.ErrorReturnCode_5:
+            pass
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        env.update(NO_COLOR="1", GH_PAGER="cat")
+        private = json.loads(
+            str("repo", "view", "--json", "isPrivate", _env=env))
+        )["isPrivate"]
+        print(sh.poetry("version", self.rule))
+        print(sh.poetry("build"))
+        if private:
+            print(sh.poetry("publish", "-r", "gaea"))
+        else:
+            print(sh.poetry("publish"))
+        version = str(sh.poetry("version", "-s")).strip()
+        print(sh.git("commit", "-a", "-m", f"Release {version}"))
+        print(sh.git("push"))
+        dist_dir = (
+            pathlib.Path(str(sh.git("rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")).strip()) / "dist"
+        )
+        asset = str(sh.tail(sh.grep("-1tr", dist_dir), ".whl"), "-n1")).strip()
+        try:
+            previous_version_string = (
+                str(sh.git("describe", "--tags", abbrev=0)).strip() + ".."
+            )
+        except sh.ErrorReturnCode_128:
+            previous_version_string = ""
+        changelog = sh.git(
+            "--no-pager",
+            "log",
+            "--no-color",
+            f"{previous_version_string}HEAD^",
+            "--oneline",
+            "--no-decorate",
+        )
+        # XXX print("release", "create", version, f"dist/{asset}", notes=changelog))
+        print(sh.git("pull"))
+        print(f"Published release {version}!")
+        if stashed:
+            try:
+                sh.git("stash", "pop", "--index")
+            except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
+                pass
+            sh.git("mergetool", "pyproject.toml")
+        return 0
+class List:
+    """list installed distributions"""
+    def setup(self, add_arg):
+        # add_arg(
+        #     "dists",
+        #     nargs="*",
+        #     completer=complete_distname,
+        #     help="name of distribution(s) to list",
+        # )
+        add_arg("-d", "--deps", action="store_true", help="include dependencies")
+        add_arg(
+            "-v", "--verbosity", action="count", default=0, help="show more details"
+        )
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        get_dist = pkg.listing.get_distributions
+        for dist in sorted(
+            self.dists if self.dists else get_dist(dependencies=self.deps)
+        ):
+            self.print_dist(dist)
+        return 0
+    def print_dist(self, dist):
+        d = pkg.listing.get_distribution(dist)
+        details = d.details
+        name = details.pop("name")
+        version = details.pop("version")
+        if not self.machine:
+            print("/c/{}".format(name), end=" ")
+        def machined_print(
+            *prefixes, value, color="d,w", prefix=True, indent="", end="\n"
+        ):
+            """
+            machinable human output
+            """
+            prefixes = list(prefixes)
+            if self.machine:
+                prefixes.insert(0, name)
+                end = "\n"
+            else:
+                if len(prefixes) > 1:
+                    prefixes = prefixes[1:]
+                if not prefix:
+                    prefixes = []
+            padding = " " if prefixes and not self.machine else ""
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                _vals = ["/{}/{}/X/".format(color, v) for v in value]
+                value = [padding + (" " if self.machine else ", ").join(_vals)]
+            else:
+                value = ["{}/{}/{}/X/".format(padding, color, value)]
+            if not self.machine and indent:
+                try:
+                    indent = " " * indent
+                except TypeError:
+                    pass
+                print(indent, end="")
+            print(
+                *(["/lg/{}/X/".format(p) for p in prefixes] + value),
+                sep="/X//lg/:/X/",
+                end=end,
+            )
+        machined_print(
+            "version",
+            value=version,
+            color="lr,Cle",
+            prefix=None,
+            end=": " if self.verbosity else "",
+        )
+        if self.verbosity:
+            summary = details.pop("summary")
+            if summary.lower().startswith(name + " "):
+                summary = summary[len(name) :].lstrip(":")
+            summary = summary.strip(". ")
+            machined_print("summary", value=summary, prefix=None)
+            reqs = sorted(details["reqs"])
+            if reqs:
+                machined_print("requires", value=reqs, color="lm", indent=2)
+            mods = sorted(details["mods"])
+            if mods:
+                machined_print("provides", value=mods, color="m", indent=2)
+            entrances = details["entry-points"]
+            if "term.apps" in entrances:
+                entrances.pop("console_scripts", None)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    entrances["term.apps"] = entrances["console_scripts"]
+                    entrances.pop("console_scripts")
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+            if entrances:
+                for e_cls, e_points in sorted(entrances.items()):
+                    if self.machine:
+                        for e_pnt, e_obj in sorted(e_points.items()):
+                            o = "{}={}:{}".format(e_pnt, e_obj[0], e_obj[1][0])
+                            machined_print(
+                                "entrances", e_cls, indent=4, color="g", value=o
+                            )
+                    else:
+                        indent = 6 + len(e_cls)
+                        joiner = "\n" + (" " * (indent))
+                        o = joiner.join(
+                            "/g/{}/X/ /d,lg/{}:{}" "/X/".format(ep, eo[0], eo[1][0])
+                            for ep, eo in sorted(e_points.items())
+                        )
+                        machined_print("entrances", e_cls, value=o, indent=4, color="g")
+            location = str(d.location)
+            home_dir = str(d.location.home())
+            if location.startswith(home_dir):
+                location = "~" + location[len(home_dir) :]
+            if d.is_dirty():
+                location += " /r/*/X/"
+            machined_print("installed", indent=2, color="d,b", value=location)
+        if self.verbosity > 1:
+            if details["url"]:
+                machined_print(
+                    "website", value=details["url"].rstrip("/"), color="b", indent=2
+                )
+            if details["download_url"]:
+                machined_print(
+                    "download",
+                    color="b",
+                    indent=2,
+                    value=details["download_url"].rstrip("/"),
+                )
+            raw_license = details.pop("license")
+            if raw_license != "UNKNOWN":
+                try:
+                    if " and " in raw_license:
+                        license = "/".join(
+                            pkg.licensing.get_license(l).abbr
+                            for l in raw_license.split(" and ")
+                        )
+                    elif " or " in raw_license:
+                        license = "/".join(
+                            pkg.licensing.get_license(l).abbr
+                            for l in raw_license.split(" or ")
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        license = pkg.licensing.get_license(raw_license).abbr
+                except KeyError:
+                    license = raw_license
+                machined_print("license", value=license, color="y", indent=2)
+            for prs, prs_det in sorted(details["people"].items()):
+                email = list(prs_det.items())[0][1]
+                o = "/lr/{}/X/ /lg/</X//b/{}/X//lg/>/X/".format(prs, email)
+                machined_print("authors", value=o, color="lg", indent=2)
+        print()
+class Add:
+    """add distributions"""
+    def setup(self, add_arg):
+        add_arg("dist", nargs="+", help="name of distribution(s) to install")
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        for dist in self.dist:
+            print("Adding:")
+            pkg.add(dist)
+class Remove:
+    """remove distributions"""
+    def setup(self, add_arg):
+        ...
+        # add_arg(
+        #     "dist",
+        #     nargs="+",
+        #     completer=complete_distname,
+        #     help="name of distribution(s) to uninstall",
+        # )
+    def run(self, stdin, log):
+        for dist in self.dist:
+            print("Removing:")
+            d = pkg.install.pkg_resources.get_distribution(dist)
+            self.print_tree(d, pkg.install.get_orphans(dist))
+            pkg.remove(dist, clean_reqs=True)
+    def print_tree(self, dist, orphans, indent=0):
+        """"""
+        print(
+            " " * indent * 4,
+            "{0.project_name} {0.version} ({0.location})".format(dist),
+            sep="",
+        )
+        for req in pkg.listing._requires(dist):
+            if req in orphans:
+                self.print_tree(req, orphans, indent + 1)

index 0000000..e69de29

index 0000000..e823048
--- /dev/null

+install & uninstall distributions
+import os
+import shlex
+import pkg_resources
+from . import listing
+# XXX import pip.__main__
+__all__ = ["add", "remove", "get_orphans"]
+class VirtualEnvironmentError(Exception):
+    """
+    raised when an action is attemped outside a virtual environment
+    """
+def add(*distributions, editable=False):
+    """
+    instruct `pip` to install given distributions `dists`
+    `pip` will automatically fetch and install required dependencies.
+    """
+    # TODO verify w/ GPG
+    args = ["install"]
+    if editable:
+        args.append("-e")
+    for dist in distributions:
+        pipmain(*args, str(dist))
+        # TODO "--no-index -f", CHEESESHOP,
+        # TODO "-i",
+    write_log("installed", distributions)
+def remove(*distributions, clean_reqs=False):
+    """
+    instruct `pip` to uninstall given `distributions`
+    Set `clean_reqs` True to remove distributions' orphaned requirements.
+    """
+    for distribution in distributions:
+        for dist in get_orphans(distribution):
+            pipmain("uninstall", "-y", dist.project_name)
+    write_log("remove", distributions)
+def pipmain(*args):
+    """"""
+    status = pip.__main__._main(shlex.split(" ".join(args)))
+    # XXX pip.logger.consumers = []  # reset accumulated loggers after each run
+    return status
+def write_log(action, distributions):
+    """"""
+    # TODO timestamp & sign w/ GPG
+    try:
+        venv_dir = os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise VirtualEnvironmentError()
+    with open(os.path.join(venv_dir, "package.log"), "a") as fp:
+        print(f"{action}:", " ".join(str(d) for d in distributions), file=fp)
+def get_orphans(distribution):
+    """"""
+    dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(distribution)
+    return _find_all_dead(listing.get_graph(), set([dist]))
+def _find_all_dead(graph, start):
+    """"""
+    return _fixed_point(lambda d: _find_dead(graph, d), start)
+def _fixed_point(f, x):
+    """"""
+    while True:
+        y = f(x)
+        if y == x:
+            return x
+        x = y
+def _find_dead(graph, dead):
+    """"""
+    def is_killed_by_us(node):
+        succ = graph[node]
+        return succ and not (succ - dead)
+    return dead | set(filter(is_killed_by_us, graph))

index 0000000..8d7c0e7
--- /dev/null

+terms of use for software, content & data
+import collections
+import distutils.version
+import json
+import pkg_resources
+import re
+__all__ = ["get_license"]
+index = {}
+uris = {}
+features = collections.defaultdict(list)
+pattern = re.compile(
+    r"""(?xi)
+                         ^
+                         ([\s\w]+?)
+                         (
+                           \s?
+                           (license|l)
+                           \s?
+                         )?
+                         (
+                           \s?
+                           (version|v)
+                           \s?
+                           ([.\w]+)
+                         )?
+                         $"""
+def get_license(identifier):
+    """
+    return best matching license for given `identifier` (name *or* URI)
+    An identifier may contain version information.
+        >>> long = get_license("Affero General Public License version 3")
+        >>> short = get_license("Affero General Public")
+        >>> abbreviated = get_license("AGPL")
+        >>> long == short == abbreviated
+        True
+        >>> long
+        <licensing.License: Affero General Public License v3>
+    """
+    _load()
+    if "/" in identifier and " " not in identifier:
+        if identifier.startswith(("http://", "https://", "//")):
+            identifier = identifier.partition("//")[2]
+        try:
+            req_name, req_version = uris[identifier]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))
+    else:
+        identifier = identifier.replace("_", " ")
+        try:
+            req_name, req_version = pattern.match(identifier).groups()[::5]
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))
+    def cmp(kv):
+        return distutils.version.LooseVersion(str(kv[0]))
+    for name, versions in index.items():
+        abbreviation = "".join(w[0] for w in name.split() if w not in {"of"}).lower()
+        if req_name.lower().strip() not in (name.lower(), abbreviation):
+            continue
+        for version, details in sorted(versions.items(), key=cmp):
+            if version == req_version:
+                break
+        if req_version and version != req_version:
+            err_msg = "unknown version `{}` for `{}`"
+            raise KeyError(err_msg.format(req_version, name))
+        return _License(
+            name=name,
+            version=version,
+            abbr=details["abbr"],
+            uri=details["uri"],
+            features=details.get("features", []),
+        )
+    raise KeyError("`{}` not found in index".format(identifier))
+class _License(collections.namedtuple("License", "name version abbr uri features")):
+    """
+    a `NamedTuple` for licenses
+        >>> license = _License(name="Affero General Public", version="3",
+        ...                    abbr="AGPLv3", uri="",
+        ...                    features=["dfsg","gpl","fsf","osi","copyleft"])
+        >>>
+        'Affero General Public'
+        >>> license.version
+        '3'
+        >>> license.uri
+        ''
+        >>> license.features
+        ['dfsg', 'gpl', 'fsf', 'osi', 'copyleft']
+        >>> repr(license)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+        '<licensing.License: Affero General Public License v3>'
+        >>> str(license)
+        'Affero General Public License v3 ('
+        >>> license.is_compatible("copyleft")
+        True
+    """
+    @property
+    def canonical(self):
+        version = ""
+        if self.version != "0":
+            version = " v" + self.version
+        return "".join((, " License", version))
+    def is_compatible(self, compatibility):
+        return compatibility in self.features
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<licensing.License: {}>".format(self.canonical)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "{} ({})".format(self.canonical, self.uri)
+def _load():
+    """
+    populate license index
+    """
+    global index
+    global uris
+    global features
+    if index:
+        return
+    licenses = json.loads(
+        pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "licenses.json").decode("utf-8")
+    )
+    index.update(licenses.items())
+    for name, versions in licenses.items():
+        for version, details in versions.items():
+            license = name, version
+            uris[details["uri"]] = license
+            for feature in details.get("features", []):
+                features[feature].append(license)

index 0000000..23eec8b
--- /dev/null

+    "Affero General Public": {
+        "3": {
+            "abbr": "AGPLv3",
+            "features": [
+                "dfsg",
+                "gpl",
+                "fsf",
+                "osi",
+                "copyleft"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "Apache Software": {
+        "1": {
+            "abbr": "Apache 1.0",
+            "features": [
+                "fsf",
+                "osi"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        },
+        "1.1": {
+            "abbr": "Apache 1.1",
+            "features": [
+                "fsf",
+                "osi"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        },
+        "2": {
+            "abbr": "Apache 2.0",
+            "features": [
+                "dfsg",
+                "gpl",
+                "fsf",
+                "osi"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "Berkeley Software Distribution": {
+        "0": {
+            "abbr": "BSD",
+            "features": [
+                "dfsg",
+                "gpl",
+                "fsf",
+                "osi"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "Massachusetts Institute of Technology": {
+        "0": {
+            "abbr": "MIT",
+            "date": 1988,
+            "features": [
+                "dfsg",
+                "fsf",
+                "osi",
+                "gpl"
+            ],
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "Python Software Foundation": {
+        "0": {
+            "abbr": "PSF",
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    },
+    "Zope Public": {
+        "2.1": {
+            "abbr": "ZPL",
+            "uri": ""
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

index 0000000..6d57f43
--- /dev/null

+list distributions
+import collections
+import json
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import pkg_resources
+# from .discover import PackageRepoError, gitsh
+__all__ = ["get_graph", "get_distributions", "get_distribution"]
+def get_graph():
+    """
+    return a dict mapping env's installed distributions to their requirements
+    """
+    graph = {dist: set() for dist in pkg_resources.working_set}
+    for dist in pkg_resources.working_set:
+        for req in _requires(dist):
+            graph[req].add(dist)
+    return graph
+def _requires(dist):
+    """"""
+    return [pkg_resources.get_distribution(d) for d in dist.requires()]
+def get_distributions(dependencies=False):
+    """
+    return a list of installed distributions
+    """
+    if dependencies:
+        return list(pkg_resources.Environment())
+    return [
+        dist.project_name
+        for dist, required_by in get_graph().items()
+        if not required_by
+    ]
+    # and not dist.location.startswith("/usr/lib/")]
+def get_distribution(name):
+    """
+    return a dictionary containing details of given installed distribution
+        >>> dist = get_distribution("gmpg")
+        >>> dist["name"]
+        'gmpg'
+    # >>> dist["home-page"]
+    # ''
+    # >>> dist["summary"]
+    # 'a library for software packaging'
+    # >>> dist["license"]
+    # 'GNU Affero General Public License v3'
+    """
+    return Distribution(name)
+class Distribution:
+    """ """
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(name)
+        self.location = pathlib.Path(dist.location)
+        # TODO check if system installation
+        try:
+            env = pathlib.Path(os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"]).resolve()
+        except KeyError:
+            env = None
+        self.in_env = self.location in env.parents if env else False
+        try:
+            key = None
+            metadata = {}
+            for match in re.split(
+                r"^([A-Z][A-Za-z-]+): ",
+                dist.get_metadata("PKG-INFO"),
+                flags=re.MULTILINE,
+            )[3:]:
+                if key:
+                    metadata[key.lower()] = match.rstrip()
+                    key = None
+                else:
+                    key = match
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            try:
+                metadata = json.loads(dist.get_metadata("metadata.json"))
+            except FileNotFoundError:
+                try:
+                    metadata = json.loads(dist.get_metadata("pydist.json"))
+                except FileNotFoundError:
+                    metadata = {
+                        "name": dist.project_name,
+                        "version": dist.version,
+                        "summary": "",
+                    }
+        details = {
+            "name": metadata["name"],
+            "version": metadata["version"],
+            "summary": metadata["summary"],
+            "license": metadata.get("license", "UNKNOWN"),
+            "url": metadata.get("home-page", ""),
+            "download_url": metadata.get("download-url", ""),
+            "people": collections.defaultdict(dict),
+        }
+        if "contacts" in metadata:  # for flake8 & requests package formats
+            for contact in metadata["contacts"]:
+                person = details["people"][contact["name"]]
+                person[contact["role"]] = contact["email"]
+        else:
+            try:
+                author = metadata["author"]
+                author_email = metadata["author-email"]
+                details["people"][author]["author"] = author_email
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            try:
+                maintainer = metadata["maintainer"]
+                maintainer_email = metadata["maintainer-email"]
+                details["people"][maintainer]["maintainer"] = maintainer_email
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        details["people"] = dict(details["people"])
+        try:
+            dep_links = dist.get_metadata("dependency_links.txt")
+            details["deps"] = dep_links.strip().splitlines()
+        except (KeyError, FileNotFoundError):
+            pass
+        mods = []
+        try:
+            mods = dist.get_metadata("top_level.txt").strip().splitlines()
+        except (KeyError, FileNotFoundError):
+            pass
+        finally:
+            details["mods"] = [mod for mod in mods if mod != "tests"]
+            details["reqs"] = {
+                r.project_name: [[list(s) for s in r.specs], list(r.extras)]
+                for r in dist.requires()
+            }
+            details["entry-points"] = entry_points = dict(dist.get_entry_map())
+            for group, group_eps in dist.get_entry_map().items():
+                entry_points[group] = {
+                    n: (ep.module_name, ep.attrs) for n, ep in group_eps.items()
+                }
+        self.details = details
+    def __getitem__(self, name):
+        return self.details[name]
+    def is_dirty(self):
+        """ """
+        try:
+            dirty = bool(gitsh("status --porcelain", self.location))
+        except PackageRepoError:
+            dirty = False
+        return dirty

index 0000000..ac2f506
--- /dev/null

+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. ${VENV}/bin/activate
+shift 1
+exec "$@"

index 0000000..7c8a2a1
--- /dev/null

+interrogate debian system packages
+# TODO use `src.git` to interrogate `etckeeper` git log
+__all__ = ["get_apt_history"]
+def get_apt_history():
+    """"""
+    log = []
+    with open("/var/log/apt/history.log") as fp:
+        contents =
+        if contents:
+            for raw_entry in"\n\n"):
+                log.append(
+                    dict(line.partition(": ")[::2] for line in raw_entry.split("\n"))
+                )
+    return log

index 0000000..89c34d0
--- /dev/null

+Tools for metamodern software development.
+Includes support for testing, syntax checking and metrics measurement
+using pytest, flake8, radon respectively.
+Provides code analysis and package/interface introspection.
+# TODO issue tracking, code review
+# TODO code analysis via pysonar2, psydiff
+# TODO facilitate anonymous A/B testing in the canopy
+import __future__
+import collections
+import importlib
+import inspect
+import json
+import os
+import pkgutil
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import types
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+import radon.complexity
+import radon.metrics
+import radon.raw
+from radon.complexity import cc_rank as rank_cc
+from radon.metrics import mi_rank as rank_mi
+from . import git
+__all__ = ["git", "get_api", "get_metrics", "rank_cc", "rank_mi"]
+languages = {"py": "Python", "c": "C", "html": "HTML", "css": "CSS", "js": "Javascript"}
+def get_metrics(code):
+    """
+    Return metrics for given code.
+    Uses radon to analyze line counts, complexity and maintainability.
+    """
+    return {
+        "lines": radon.raw.analyze(code),
+        "maintainability": radon.metrics.mi_visit(code, True),
+        "complexity": {o[0]: o[-1] for o in radon.complexity.cc_visit(code)},
+    }
+def generate_dependency_graph(project_name, project_dir="."):
+        [
+            # XXX "/srv/poetry/bin/poetry",
+            # XXX "run",
+            "pydeps",
+            project_name,
+            "--show-deps",
+            "--noshow",
+            "--max-bacon",
+            "2",
+            "--pylib",
+            "-x",
+            "os",
+            "re types",
+            "_*",
+            "enum",
+        ],
+        cwd=project_dir,
+    )
+def test(pkgdir="."):
+    """Test pkgdir with pytest and return test results."""
+    # TODO packages ="packages", [])
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(  # TODO use .run()
+        [
+            "pytest-gevent",
+            "--doctest-modules",
+            "--ignore",
+            "",
+            # XXX "--pep8",
+            "--cov",
+            ".",  # TODO ",".join(packages),
+            "--cov-report",
+            "xml:.test_coverage.xml",
+            "--junit-xml",
+            ".test_results.xml",
+            "--doctest-glob",
+            "README*",
+        ],
+        env=os.environ,
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+    )
+    _, err = [x.decode("utf-8") for x in proc.communicate()]
+    return
+    return _parse_junit(), _parse_coverage(), err
+def _parse_junit(path=".test_results.xml"):
+    suite_tag = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(str(path)).find("testsuite")
+    _suite = dict(suite_tag.attrib)
+    suite = {
+        "tests": int(_suite["tests"]),
+        "errors": int(_suite["errors"]),
+        "failures": int(_suite["failures"]),
+        "skipped": int(_suite["skipped"]),
+        "time": _suite["time"],
+        "cases": collections.defaultdict(collections.OrderedDict),
+    }
+    for case_tag in suite_tag:
+        case = dict(case_tag.attrib)
+        case["type"] = "success"
+        for child in case_tag:
+            if child.tag == "failure":
+                case["type"] = "failure"
+                case["message"] = child.attrib["message"]
+            elif child.tag == "system-out":
+                ...
+            if child.text:
+                case["output"] = child.text
+        test_identifier = ":".join((case.pop("classname"), case.pop("name")))
+        suite["cases"][test_identifier] = case
+        # XXX details = {"line": case["line"], "time": case["time"], "outcome": outcome}
+        # XXX suite["cases"][case["file"]][test_identifier] = details
+    return suite
+def _parse_coverage(path=".test_coverage.xml"):
+    coverages = {}
+    for package in list(list(xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(str(path)).getroot())[1]):
+        for case in list(list(package)[0]):
+            lines = []
+            for line in list(list(case)[1]):
+                lines.append((line.attrib["number"], line.attrib["hits"]))
+            coverages[case.attrib["filename"]] = (
+                round(float(case.attrib["line-rate"]) * 100, 1),
+                lines,
+            )
+    return coverages
+# def count_sloc(self):
+#     """
+#     count Source Lines Of Code
+#     """
+#     # TODO accrue statistics
+#     line_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
+#     def handle(file):
+#         line_count = 0
+#         suffix = file.suffix.lstrip(".")
+#         if suffix in languages:
+#             with as fp:
+#                 lines = fp.readlines()
+#                 for line in lines[:10]:
+#                     if line.rstrip() == "# noqa":
+#                         break
+#                 else:
+#                     line_count = len(lines)
+#                     line_counts[suffix] += line_count
+#         yield
+#         if line_count:
+#             print(" /d,lg/{}/X/".format(line_count), end="")
+#             self.position += 3 + len(str(line_count))
+#         yield
+#     def summarize():
+#         # TODO commify
+#         print("Source Lines of Code:")
+#         # print("--------------------", end="\n\n")  TODO markdown output
+#         # (`cli` feature to uniform output to HTML for pipe to web agent)
+#         total = 0
+#         for suffix, line_count in line_counts.items():
+#             print("  {:15}{:>10}".format(languages[suffix], line_count))
+#             total += line_count
+#         print("  {:>25}".format(total))
+#     return handle, summarize
+def get_api(mod, pkg=None) -> dict:
+    """Return a dictionary containing contents of given module."""
+    mod = mod.removesuffix(".py")
+    if pkg:
+        mod = ".".join((pkg, mod))
+    try:
+        module = importlib.import_module(mod)
+    except Exception as err:
+        print(err)
+        module = None
+    members = []
+    if module:
+        members = _get_namespace_members(module)
+    details = {"name": mod, "mod": module, "members": members, "descendants": {}}
+    try:
+        mod_location = module.__path__
+        for _, _mod, __ in pkgutil.iter_modules(mod_location):
+            details["descendants"][_mod] = get_api(_mod, pkg=mod)
+    except AttributeError:
+        pass
+    return json.loads(JSONEncoder().encode(details))
+class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+    def default(self, obj):
+        details = {"doc": inspect.getdoc(obj)}
+        if callable(obj):
+            try:
+                details["sig"] = str(inspect.signature(obj))
+            except ValueError:
+                print(f"can't get signature for builtin {obj}")
+        if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
+            metrics = None
+            if obj.__name__ not in sys.stdlib_module_names:
+                metrics = get_metrics(get_code(obj))
+            details.update(
+                **{
+                    "type": "module",
+                    "all": getattr(obj, "__all__", []),
+                    "metrics": metrics,
+                }
+            )
+        elif isinstance(obj, type):
+            details.update(**{"type": "class"})
+        elif isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
+            details.update(**{"type": "function"})
+        elif isinstance(obj, object):
+            details.update(**{"type": "object"})
+        elif isinstance(obj, __future__._Feature):
+            details.update(**{"type": "future feature"})
+        else:
+            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+        return details
+# def get_api(mod, pkg=None) -> dict:
+#     """Return a dictionary containing contents of given module."""
+#     if pkg:
+#         mod = ".".join((pkg, mod))
+#     try:
+#         module = importlib.import_module(mod)
+#     except Exception as err:
+#         print(err)
+#         module = None
+#     members = []
+#     if module:
+#         members = _get_namespace_members(module)
+#     details = {"name": mod, "mod": module, "members": members, "descendants": {}}
+#     try:
+#         mod_location = module.__path__
+#         for _, _mod, __ in pkgutil.iter_modules(mod_location):
+#             details["descendants"][_mod] = get_api(_mod, pkg=mod)
+#     except AttributeError:
+#         pass
+#     return details
+def get_doc(obj):
+    """Return a two-tuple of object's first line and rest of docstring."""
+    docstring = obj.__doc__
+    if not docstring:
+        return "", ""
+    return inspect.cleandoc(docstring).partition("\n\n")[::2]
+def _get_namespace_members(mod):  # NOQA FIXME
+    modules = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.ismodule)
+    # for name, m in inspect.getmembers(m, inspect.ismodule):
+    #     if inspect.getmodule(mod) != m:
+    #         continue
+    #     modules.append((name, m))
+    exceptions = []
+    for name, exc in inspect.getmembers(mod, _isexception):
+        if inspect.getmodule(exc) != mod:
+            continue
+        exceptions.append((name, exc))
+    functions = []
+    for name, func in get_members(mod, "function"):
+        if inspect.getmodule(func) != mod:
+            continue
+        functions.append((name, func))
+    classes = []
+    for name, cls in get_members(mod, "class"):
+        # if inspect.getmodule(cls) != mod:
+        #     continue
+        if (name, cls) in exceptions:
+            continue
+        classes.append((name, cls))
+    global_mems = []
+    defaults = (
+        "__all__",
+        "__builtins__",
+        "__cached__",
+        "__doc__",
+        "__file__",
+        "__loader__",
+        "__name__",
+        "__package__",
+        "__spec__",
+    )
+    for global_mem in inspect.getmembers(mod):
+        if (
+            global_mem in modules
+            or global_mem in exceptions
+            or global_mem in functions
+            or global_mem in classes
+            or global_mem[0] in defaults
+        ):
+            continue
+        global_mems.append(global_mem)
+    return modules, global_mems, exceptions, functions, classes
+def _isexception(obj):
+    return inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, Exception)
+# XXX def _isfunction_or_datadescriptor(obj):
+# XXX     return inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isdatadescriptor(obj)
+def get_members(obj, pred, hidden=True):
+    """Return a list of object's members."""
+    pub = []
+    hid = []
+    keywords = {
+        "function": ("def ", "("),
+        "class": ("class ", ":("),
+        "datadescriptor": ("def ", "("),
+        "function_or_datadescriptor": ("def ", "("),
+    }
+    document_order = []
+    for line in get_code(obj).splitlines():
+        keyword, delimiter = keywords[pred]
+        if line.lstrip().startswith(keyword):
+            match =" ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)[{}]".format(delimiter), line)
+            document_order.append(match.groups()[0])
+    try:
+        pred_handler = getattr(inspect, "is" + pred)
+    except AttributeError:
+        pred_handler = globals().get("is" + pred)
+    members = dict(inspect.getmembers(obj, pred_handler))
+    for name in document_order:
+        try:
+            _obj = members[name]
+        except KeyError:
+            continue
+        (hid if name.startswith("_") else pub).append((name, _obj))
+    return (pub + hid) if hidden else pub
+def get_source(obj):
+    """
+    Return the string representation of given object's code.
+    Comments are stripped and code is dedented for easy parsing.
+    """
+    lines, lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)
+    code = "".join(line for line in lines if not line.lstrip().startswith("#"))
+    docstring = getattr(obj, "__doc__", None)
+    if docstring is not None:
+        code = code.replace('"""{}"""'.format(docstring), "", 1)
+    return textwrap.dedent(code), lineno
+def get_code(obj):
+    """
+    Return a string containing the source code of given object.
+    The declaration statement and any associated docstring will be removed.
+    """
+    # TODO use sourcelines to return line start no
+    try:
+        source = inspect.getsource(obj)
+    except (OSError, TypeError):
+        source = ""
+    if obj.__doc__:
+        source = source.partition('"""')[2].partition('"""')[2]
+    if not source.strip():
+        source = source.partition("\n")[2]
+    return textwrap.dedent(source)

index 0000000..fcf44fc
--- /dev/null

+"""An opinionated Git interface."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import collections
+import difflib
+import re
+import subprocess
+import textwrap
+import xml.sax.saxutils
+from pathlib import Path
+import pendulum
+# TODO update subprocess usage
+__all__ = ["get_repo", "clone_repo", "colorize_diff", "Repository"]
+def get_repo(
+    location: Path | str = ".", init=False, bare=False, gpg_home: Path | str = None
+) -> Repository:
+    """Return a Repository for given location."""
+    location = Path(location)
+    if gpg_home:
+        gpg_home = Path(gpg_home)
+    # if not Path(location).exists():
+    if init:
+        args = ["git", "init", "-b", "main", str(location)]
+        if bare:
+            args.append("--bare")
+        subprocess.check_call(args)
+    # else:
+    #     raise FileNotFoundError("repository does not exist "
+    #                             "at {}".format(str(location)))
+    return Repository(location, gpg_home=gpg_home)
+def clone_repo(source, destination, bare=False) -> Repository:
+    """Clone source repository and return a Repository of destination."""
+    args = ["git", "clone", str(source), str(destination)]
+    if bare:
+        args.append("--bare")
+    subprocess.Popen(args)
+    subprocess.Popen(["git", "checkout", "-b", "main"], cwd=str(destination))
+    return Repository(destination)
+def colorize_diff(diff) -> list:
+    """Return HTML for presenting given unified diff."""
+    files = []
+    for filediff in re.split(r"diff --git [\w/._]+ [\w/._]+\n", str(diff))[1:]:
+        lines = filediff.split("\n")
+        current = {"changes": []}
+        current["index"] = lines[0]
+        current["from"], current["to"] = lines[1], lines[2]
+        changes = re.split(
+            r"^@@ (-\d+,\d+ \+\d+,\d+) @@(.*)$",
+            "\n".join(lines[3:]),
+            flags=re.MULTILINE,
+        )[1:]
+        grouped_changes = zip(*(changes[i::3] for i in (0, 1, 2)))
+        for changed_linespec, _, changed_lines in grouped_changes:
+            changed_linenos = re.match(
+                r"-(\d+),(\d+) \+(\d+),(\d+)", changed_linespec
+            ).groups()
+            current["changes"].append((changed_linenos, changed_lines))
+        # diff_spec = re.match(r"@@ -(\d+),(\d+) +(\d+),(\d+) @@.+", lines[3])
+        # fromstart, fromlength, tostart, tolength = diff_spec.groups()
+        # current["from"].append()
+        # current["lines"] = [first_line]
+        # current["lines"].extend(lines[4:-1])
+        files.append(current)
+    return files
+    # html = ["<div class=diff>"]
+    # for line in diff.split("\n"):
+    #     html.append("<div class=''>{}</div>".format(line))
+    # html.append("</div>")
+    # return "\n".join(html)
+def _colorize_diff(diff):  # NoQA FIXME
+    lines = diff.splitlines()
+    lines.reverse()
+    while lines and not lines[-1].startswith("@@"):
+        lines.pop()
+    yield "<div class=diff>"
+    while lines:
+        line = lines.pop()
+        klass = ""
+        if line.startswith("@@"):
+            klass = "control"
+        elif line.startswith("-"):
+            klass = "delete"
+            if lines:
+                _next = []
+                while lines and len(_next) < 2:
+                    _next.append(lines.pop())
+                if _next[0].startswith("+") and (
+                    len(_next) == 1 or _next[1][0] not in ("+", "-")
+                ):
+                    aline, bline = _line_diff(line[1:], _next.pop(0)[1:])
+                    yield "<div class=delete>-{}</div>".format(aline)
+                    yield "<div class=insert>+{}</div>".format(bline)
+                    if _next:
+                        lines.append(_next.pop())
+                    continue
+                lines.extend(reversed(_next))
+        elif line.startswith("+"):
+            klass = "insert"
+        yield "<div class={}>{}</div>".format(klass, _escape(line))
+    yield "</div>"
+def _line_diff(a, b):
+    aline = []
+    bline = []
+    tpl = "<span class=highlight>{}</span>"
+    for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=a, b=b).get_opcodes():
+        if tag == "equal":
+            aline.append(_escape(a[i1:i2]))
+            bline.append(_escape(b[j1:j2]))
+            continue
+        aline.append(tpl.format(_escape(a[i1:i2])))
+        bline.append(tpl.format(_escape(b[j1:j2])))
+    return "".join(aline), "".join(bline)
+def _escape(text):
+    return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(text, {" ": "&nbsp;"})
+class Repository:
+    """A git repository."""
+    location: Path
+    gpg_home: Path
+    def __init__(self, location: Path | str, gpg_home: Path | str = None):
+        """
+        Return a Repository instance for git repository at given location.
+        Use gpg_home to provide an alternate GPG directory.
+        """
+        self.location = Path(location)
+        if gpg_home:
+            self.gpg_home = Path(gpg_home)
+    def git(self, *command_args):
+        """Yield lines of output from running git with `command_args`."""
+        option_args = {}
+        try:
+            option_args["env"] = {"GNUPGHOME": str(self.gpg_home)}
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        return [
+            line.strip().decode("utf-8")
+            for line in subprocess.check_output(
+                ["git", "-C", str(self.location)] + list(command_args), **option_args
+            ).splitlines()
+        ]
+    def exists(self):
+        return (self.location / ".git").exists()
+    def add(self, *files):
+        """Add files to the index."""
+        if not files:
+            files = ["*"]
+        return self.git("add", *files)
+    def config(self, name, value):
+        """Set repository options."""
+        return self.git("config", name, value)
+    def commit(self, message, author=None, key=None):
+        """Record changes to the repository."""
+        args = []
+        if author:
+            args.extend(["--author", author])
+        if key:
+            args.append(f"-S{key}")
+        details = self._gitlines("commit", "-m", message, *args)
+        short_hash = re.match(r".+ ([\w\d]{7})\]", details[0]).group(1)
+        return self[short_hash]
+    def fetch_into_bare(self, repository="origin", refspec="master:master"):
+        """."""  # TODO
+        self.git("fetch", repository, refspec)
+    def push(self):
+        """Update remote refs along with associated objects."""
+        self.git("push")
+    def pull(self):
+        """Fetch from and integrate with another repository or branch."""
+        self.git("pull")
+    def show(self, gitobject):
+        """Show various types of objects."""
+        return self.git("--no-pager", "show", gitobject)
+    def diff(self, start=None, end=None):
+        """Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc."""
+        args = []
+        if start is None:
+            start = "HEAD"
+        if end is None:
+            end = start
+            start = end + "^"
+        if start and end:
+            args.extend((start, end))
+        # if start is None and end is None:
+        #     args = []
+        # if start is not None and end is None:
+        #     args = [start + "^", start]
+        return self.git("--no-pager", "diff", "--no-color", *args)
+    @property
+    def files(self):
+        """Show information about files in the index and the working tree."""
+        return [
+            (Path(self.location) / path).relative_to(self.location)
+            for path in self.git("ls-files")
+        ]
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        """Show the working tree status."""
+        return self.git("status", "--porcelain")
+    @property
+    def changed_files(self):
+        """Compare files in the working tree and the index."""
+        return self.git("diff-files")
+    @property
+    def remotes(self):
+        """Yield 3-tuples of a remote's `name`, `url` and `context`."""
+        for remote in self._gitlines("--no-pager", "remote", "-v"):
+            if not remote:
+                continue
+            name, url, context = remote.split()
+            yield name, url, context.strip("()")
+    def update_server_info(self):
+        self.git("update-server-info")
+    def drift_from_push_remote(self):
+        """
+        Return 2-tuple containing (direction, distance) from push remote.
+        Direction is `ahead` or `behind`. Distance is an integer of commits.
+        """
+        match = re.match(
+            r"\[(ahead|behind) (\d+)\]",
+            "\n".join(
+                self.git("for-each-ref", "--format", "%(push:track)", "refs/heads")
+            ),
+        )
+        if match:
+            return match.groups()
+    def create_branch(self, name):
+        """Create a new branch."""
+        return self.git("branch", name)
+    @property
+    def branches(self):
+        """Return a list of branches."""
+        branches = []
+        for branch in self._gitlines("branch", "-a", "--no-color"):
+            active, _, name = branch.partition(" ")
+            branches.append((name, bool(active)))
+        return branches
+    @property
+    def tags(self):
+        """Return a list of tags."""
+        tags = []
+        for tag_id in reversed(self._gitlines("--no-pager", "tag")):
+            if not tag_id:
+                continue
+            details = []
+            signature = []
+            def get_details(line):
+                details.append(line.strip())
+            def get_signature(line):
+                signature.append(line.strip())
+            self.git("tag", "-v", tag_id, _out=get_details, _err=get_signature)
+            tag_object, tag_type, _, tag_tagger, _, tag_message = details
+            timestamp = pendulum.from_timestamp(float(tag_tagger.split()[-2]))
+            tags.append(
+                (tag_id, tag_object.split()[1], timestamp, signature[1].split()[-1])
+            )
+        return tags
+    @property
+    def log(self, selector=None) -> collections.OrderedDict:
+        """
+        Return a list of commits.
+        `selector` can be a number of recent commits (-1, -2, etc.) or the
+        hash of a specific commit.
+        """
+        entries = collections.OrderedDict()
+        current_hash = None
+        def get_lines(line):
+            nonlocal current_hash
+            if line.startswith("commit "):
+                current_hash = line.split()[1]
+                entries[current_hash] = {"hash": current_hash, "message": ""}
+            elif line.startswith("gpg:                using"):
+                entries[current_hash]["pubkey"] = line.split()[-1]
+            elif line.startswith("Author:"):
+                (
+                    entries[current_hash]["author_name"],
+                    _,
+                    entries[current_hash]["author_email"],
+                ) = (
+                    line.partition(": ")[2].strip(">\n").partition(" <")
+                )
+            elif line.startswith("Date:"):
+                dt = pendulum.from_format(
+                    line.partition(":   ")[2], "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z"
+                )
+                entries[current_hash]["timestamp"] = dt.in_timezone("UTC")
+            elif not line.startswith("gpg: "):
+                entries[current_hash]["message"] += line + "\n"
+        args = []
+        if selector:
+            args.append(selector)
+        try:
+            for line in self.git(
+                "--no-pager",
+                "log",
+                "--date=iso",
+                "--no-color",
+                "--show-signature",
+                *args,
+            ):
+                get_lines(line)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            for commit in entries.keys():
+                entries[commit]["message"] = textwrap.dedent(
+                    entries[commit]["message"]
+                ).strip()
+        return entries
+    def __getitem__(self, hash):
+        """Return the commit for given hash."""
+        return list(self.log(hash).values())[0]
+    def _gitlines(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list:
+        """Return a list of the result of a git command split by lines."""
+        return self.git(*args, **kwargs).rstrip().split("\n")

index 0000000..e38e54e
--- /dev/null

+"""Spawn Integrated Development Environment."""
+import os
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+HOME = pathlib.Path("~").expanduser()
+WORKING = HOME / "code/working"
+# XXX WIDTH = "54"
+# TODO CREATE THE TMUX and media pane
+# TODO bell inside bangarang (social reader) rings term for mentions
+def new_window(title, working_dir, command):
+    """Create a new window."""
+    pane_id = _create("new-window", "-c", working_dir, "-n", title, "-d", "-P")
+    _title_and_run(pane_id, working_dir, command)
+    return pane_id
+def split_window(reference_pane_id, orientation, quantity, working_dir, command):
+    """Split an existing window."""
+    quantity_type, _, quantity_size = quantity.partition(" ")
+    pane_id = _create(
+        "split-window",
+        "-c",
+        working_dir,
+        f"-{orientation}",
+        quantity_type,
+        quantity_size,
+        "-d",
+        "-t",
+        reference_pane_id,
+        "-P",
+    )
+    _title_and_run(pane_id, working_dir, command)
+    return pane_id
+def _create(*args):
+    """Create a pane using `args` and return its pane id."""
+    return (
+            ["tmux"] + list(args),
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+        )
+        .stdout.decode()
+        .strip()
+    )
+def _title_and_run(pane_id, working_dir, command):
+    """Title the pane `package` and run `command`."""
+        ["tmux", "select-pane", "-t", pane_id, "-T", f" {} "]
+    )
+["tmux", "send-keys", "-t", pane_id, command, "ENTER"])
+libs_tools = (
+    "canopy",
+    "easyuri",
+    "gfxint",
+    "gmpg",
+    "newmath",
+    "python-indieauth",
+    "python-microformats",
+    "python-micropub",
+    "python-webmention",
+    "sqlyte",
+    "txtint",
+    "understory",
+    "webagt",
+    "webint",
+apps = [
+    "auth",
+    "code",
+    "data",
+    "editor",
+    "guests",
+    "live",
+    "media",
+    "mentions",
+    "owner",
+    "posts",
+sites = (
+    "",
+    # "",
+    # "",
+    # "",
+# XXX def send_keys(*args):
+# XXX     return"tmux", "send-keys") + args)
+# XXX def open_pyproject(ref):
+# XXX     return send_keys("-t", ref, ":vsp pyproject.toml", "ENTER")
+def main():
+    """Spawn all windows."""
+    # XXX (1) Media
+    # XXX ref = new_window("media", HOME, "weechat")
+    # XXX split_window(ref, "h", f"-l {WIDTH}", HOME, "ssh pi@family_room")
+    # XXX # (1) Libraries & Tools
+    # XXX # TODO "mpcli-py", "mpcli-js"
+    # XXX ref = new_window("libraries", WORKING / libs_tools[0], "vi -S Session.vim")
+    # XXX # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX split_window(ref, "h", f"-l {WIDTH}", WORKING, "ls")
+    # XXX for lib_tool in libs_tools[1:]:
+    # XXX     ref = split_window(
+    # XXX         ref,
+    # XXX         "v",
+    # XXX         "-p 80",
+    # XXX         WORKING / lib_tool,
+    # XXX         f"vi {lib_tool}/",
+    # XXX     )
+    # XXX     # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX # (2) Understory Core
+    # XXX ref = new_window("understory", WORKING / "understory", "vi -S Session.vim")
+    # XXX # ref = new_window("understory", WORKING / "understory", "vi web/")
+    # XXX split_window(ref, "h", f"-l {WIDTH}", WORKING / "understory", "ls")
+    # XXX # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX # (2) Web Applications
+    # XXX ref = new_window(
+    # XXX     "webapps",
+    # XXX     WORKING / f"webint-{apps[0]}",
+    # XXX     "vi -S Session.vim",
+    # XXX )
+    # XXX # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX split_window(ref, "h", f"-l {WIDTH}", WORKING, "ls")
+    # XXX for app in apps[1:]:
+    # XXX     ref = split_window(
+    # XXX         ref, "v", "-p 80", WORKING / f"webint-{app}", "vi -S Session.vim"
+    # XXX     )
+    # XXX     # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX # XXX # (3-n) Websites
+    # XXX for n, site in enumerate(sites):
+    # XXX     port = 4010 + n
+    # XXX     tunnel_port = port + 1000
+    # XXX     site_name = site.replace(".", "_")
+    # XXX     ref = new_window(site, WORKING / site, "vi -S Session.vim")
+    # XXX     # XXX ref = new_window(site, WORKING / site, f"vi {site_name}/")
+    # XXX     # XXX open_pyproject(ref)
+    # XXX     split_window(
+    # XXX         ref,
+    # XXX         "h",
+    # XXX         f"-l {WIDTH}",
+    # XXX         WORKING / site / site,
+    # XXX         f"WEBCTX=dev poetry run web dev {site_name}:app --port {port}",
+    # XXX     )
+    # XXX
+    # XXX         [
+    # XXX             "ssh",
+    # XXX             "-f",
+    # XXX             "-N",
+    # XXX             "-R",
+    # XXX             f"{tunnel_port}:localhost:{tunnel_port}",
+    # XXX             f"root@{TUNNEL_SERVER}",
+    # XXX         ]
+    # XXX     )
+    col_libs_tools = new_window("code", WORKING / libs_tools[0], "vi -S Session.vim")
+    col_sites = None
+    for n, site in enumerate(sites):
+        port = 4010 + (n * 10)
+        tunnel_port = port + 1000
+        site_name = site.replace(".", "_")
+        args = [
+            WORKING / site / site,
+            f"WEBCTX=dev poetry run web dev {site_name}:app"
+            f" --port {port} --watch {WORKING}",
+        ]
+        if n == 0:
+            col_sites = split_window(col_libs_tools, "h", "-l 54", *args)
+        else:
+            split_window(col_sites, "v", "-p 20", *args)
+        #
+        #     [
+        #         "ssh",
+        #         "-f",
+        #         "-N",
+        #         "-R",
+        #         f"{tunnel_port}:localhost:{tunnel_port}",
+        #         f"root@{TUNNEL_SERVER}",
+        #     ]
+        # )
+    col_webapps = split_window(
+        col_libs_tools, "h", "-l 60", WORKING / sites[0], "vi -S Session.vim"
+    )
+    for app in reversed(apps):
+        split_window(
+            col_webapps, "v", "-p 15", WORKING / f"webint-{app}", "vi -S Session.vim"
+        )
+    for site in reversed(sites[1:]):
+        split_window(col_webapps, "v", "-p 15", WORKING / site, "vi -S Session.vim")
+    for lib_tool in reversed(libs_tools[1:]):
+        split_window(
+            col_libs_tools, "v", "-p 15", WORKING / lib_tool, "vi -S Session.vim"
+        )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if os.getenv("TMUX"):
+        main()
+    else:
+["tmux", "new", "-x", "200", "-d", "python3", __file__])

index 0000000..2a15201
--- /dev/null

+Tools for metamodern software packaging.
+Package detail discovery and automated setup.
+import inspect
+import pathlib
+import re
+import subprocess
+import typing
+from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
+import pydeps
+import toml
+# XXX from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound
+# XXX from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points as get_entry_points
+# XXX from .install import add, remove
+# XXX from .listing import get_distribution
+# XXX from .system import get_apt_history
+__all__ = [
+    # XXX "DistributionNotFound",
+    # XXX "get_entry_points",
+    "auto_discover",
+    "discover",
+    "get_repo_files",
+    # XXX "add",
+    # XXX "remove",
+    # XXX "get_distribution",
+    # XXX "get_apt_history",
+currently_discovering = False
+def get_current_project(project_dir=".") -> typing.MutableMapping:
+    """Return a dict of `pyproject.toml` in `project_dir`."""
+    with (pathlib.Path(project_dir) / "pyproject.toml").open() as fp:
+        return toml.load(fp)
+def get_current_packages(project_dir=".") -> list:
+    """Return a list of `pyproject.toml` in `project_dir`."""
+    project = get_current_project(project_dir)["tool"]["poetry"]
+    try:
+        packages = [p["include"] for p in project["packages"]]
+    except KeyError:
+        project_name = project["name"].replace(".", "_")
+        if not (pathlib.Path(project_dir) / project_name).exists():
+            project_name = f"{project_name}.py"
+        packages = [project_name]
+    return packages
+def strip_local_dev_deps(project_dir="."):
+    """Remove path-based development dependencies and add gmpg."""
+    pyproject_path = pathlib.Path(project_dir) / "pyproject.toml"
+    try:
+        with as fp:
+            pyproject = toml.load(fp)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        return
+    try:
+        dev_deps = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["group"]["dev"]["dependencies"]
+    except KeyError:
+        return
+    for dep_name, dep_location in dict(dev_deps).items():
+        if isinstance(dep_location, dict):
+            if "path" in dep_location:
+                dev_deps.pop(dep_name)
+    dev_deps["gmpg"] = "^0.0"
+    with"w") as fp:
+        toml.dump(pyproject, fp)
+def detail_package(self):
+    """
+    a knowledge tree extension for detailing the contents of Python packages
+    """
+    packages = []
+    def handle(file):
+        z = discover(file)
+        print(z)
+        yield
+        print("XXX")
+        yield
+    def summarize():
+        print("{} packages found: {}".format(len(packages), ", ".join(packages)))
+    return handle, summarize
+class PackageRepoError(Exception):
+    """
+    raised when there exists a halting flaw in the package design
+    """
+def discover(pkgdir: str) -> dict:
+    """
+    return a dictionary containing package details discovered at `pkgdir`
+    """
+    # TODO gpg verify
+    # TODO author from first commit and maintainer from last tag's commit
+    # TODO url=`hg paths default`; verify against ^https://{gpg.comment}/
+    # TODO dirty versions
+    # TODO long_description = inspect.getdoc(setup_mod)
+    # TODO kwargs["package_data"] = {"": ["*.dat", "*.json", "*.yaml"]}
+    pkgdir = pathlib.Path(pkgdir)
+    if == "":
+        pkgdir = pkgdir.parent
+    import setuptools
+    global discover
+    currently_supplied_args = None
+    def get_supplied(**args):
+        nonlocal currently_supplied_args
+        currently_supplied_args = args
+    _setup, setuptools.setup = setuptools.setup, get_supplied
+    _discover, discover = discover, lambda x, **y: {}
+    _setup_loader = SourceFileLoader("setup", str(pkgdir / ""))
+    setup_mod = _setup_loader.load_module()
+    setuptools.setup, discover = _setup, _discover
+    comments = inspect.getcomments(setup_mod)
+    name = re.match(r"^# \[`(.*?)`\]\[1\]", comments).groups()[0]
+    description = "TODO use docstring"
+    # XXX re.match(r"^# \[`.*`\]\[1\]: (.*)", comments).groups()[0]
+    license_match ="%\[([A-Za-z ]+)\]", comments)
+    try:
+        license = license_match.groups()[0]
+    except AttributeError:
+        license = "Unknown"
+    url ="^# \[1\]: (.*)$", comments, re.M).groups()[0]
+    if url.startswith("//"):
+        url = "https:" + url
+    download_url = "{}.git".format(url)
+    install_requires = currently_supplied_args.get("requires", [])
+    entry_points = currently_supplied_args.get("provides", {})
+    try:
+        entry_points["console_scripts"] = entry_points["term.apps"]
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    versions = gitsh("tag -l --sort -version:refname", pkgdir)
+    version = versions.splitlines()[0].lstrip("v") if versions else "0.0"
+    committers = gitsh(
+        "--no-pager log --no-color | grep " '"^Author: " --color=never', pkgdir
+    ).splitlines()
+    def get_committer(index):
+        return re.match(r"Author: (.*) <(.*)>", committers[index]).groups()
+    author, author_email = get_committer(-1)
+    maintainer, maintainer_email = get_committer(0)
+    packages = setuptools.find_packages(str(pkgdir))
+    py_modules = [
+        p.stem for p in pkgdir.iterdir() if p.suffix == ".py" and p.stem != "setup"
+    ]
+    kwargs = {}
+    if packages:
+        kwargs["packages"] = packages
+    if py_modules:
+        kwargs["py_modules"] = py_modules
+    return dict(
+        name=name,
+        version=version,
+        description=description,
+        url=url,
+        download_url=download_url,
+        install_requires=install_requires,
+        entry_points=entry_points,
+        license=license,
+        author=author,
+        author_email=author_email,
+        maintainer=maintainer,
+        maintainer_email=maintainer_email,
+        **kwargs,
+    )
+def auto_discover(dist, _, setup_file):
+    """
+    a `distutils` setup keyword for automatic discovery using `discover`
+        >>> import setuptools  # doctest: +SKIP
+        >>> setuptools.setup(discover=__file__)  # doctest: +SKIP
+    """
+    global currently_discovering
+    currently_discovering = True
+    details = discover(setup_file)
+    dist.packages = details.pop("packages", [])
+    dist.py_modules = details.pop("py_modules", [])
+    # dist.install_requires = details.pop("requires", [])
+    # dist.entry_points = details.pop("provides")
+ = details.get("author", "")
+    dist.metadata.author_email = details.get("author_email", "")
+    dist.__dict__.update(details)
+    dist.metadata.__dict__.update(details)
+def get_repo_files(setup_dir):
+    """
+    a `setuptools` file finder for finding installable files from a Git repo
+    """
+    if not currently_discovering:
+        return []
+    if not setup_dir:
+        setup_dir = "."
+    return gitsh("ls-files", setup_dir)
+def gitsh(command, working_dir):
+    """
+    return the output of running Git `command` in `working_dir`
+    """
+    raw_cmd = "git -C {} {}".format(working_dir, command)
+    try:
+        return subprocess.check_output(
+            raw_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True
+        ).decode("utf-8")
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+        raise PackageRepoError("no Git repo at `{}`".format(working_dir))

index 0000000..77cf599
--- /dev/null

+name = "gmpg"
+version = "0.1.10"
+description = "tools for metamodern software development"
+keywords = ["Git", "Poetry"]
+homepage = ""
+repository = ""
+documentation = ""
+authors = ["Angelo Gladding <>"]
+license = "BSD-2-Clause"
+gmpg = "gmpg.__main__:main"
+python = ">=3.8,<3.11"
+black = "^22.12.0"
+isort = "^5.11.4"
+pendulum = "^2.1.2"
+pydeps = "^1.11.0"
+pyright = "^1.1.291"
+mock = "^5.0.1"
+pytest-cov = "^4.0.0"
+pytest-pep8 = "^1.0.6"
+pytest-gevent = "^1.1.0"
+pytest = "^7.2.1"
+radon = "^5.1.0"
+responses = "^0.22.0"
+toml = "^0.10.2"
+txtint = ">=0.0.0"
+ipython = "^8.8.0"
+txtint = {path="../txtint", develop=true}
+# [[tool.poetry.source]]
+# name = "main"
+# url = ""
+requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
+build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

index 0000000..7fb8a64
--- /dev/null

+import gmpg
+def test_repos():
+    repo = gmpg.get_repo("_test_data", init=True)
+    assert len(repo.files) == 0