my eye



$def with ()
$var title: Guide

dt {
  display: inline-block;
  font-family: UbuntuMonoPowerline;
  width: 15%;
dd {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-left: 0;
  width: 85%;


<p>The canopy theme uses the 16-bit <a
href=>solarized</a> palette.</p>

$ solarized_colors = {
$   "base03": "002b36",
$   "base02": "073642",
$   "base01": "586e75",
$   "base00": "657b83",
$   "base0": "839496",
$   "base1": "93a1a1",
$   "base2": "eee8d5",
$   "base3": "fdf6e3",
$   "yellow": "b58900",
$   "orange": "cb4b16",
$   "red": "dc322f",
$   "magenta": "d33682",
$   "violet": "6c71c4",
$   "blue": "268bd2",
$   "cyan": "2aa198",
$   "green": "859900",
$ }

<dl style=columns:2;list-style:none;padding:0;width:30em>
$for color_name, color_hex in solarized_colors.items():
    <dt style=font-family:UbuntuMonoPowerline;width:100%;>$color_name
        <small style=font-size:.7em><code>#$color_hex</code></small></dt>
    <dd style=background-color:#$color_hex>&nbsp;</dd>


<p>Submit buttons are green. They brighten on hover.</p>
<button type=submit>Submit</button>

<h2>Keyboard Bindings</h2>

<dd>show this page
<dd>toggle room mode
<dd>sign in/out

<h3>Site Mode</h3>
<dd>focus query input
<dd>show link follow overlays (home row keys)
<dd>go home
<dd>close page
<dd>reload page
<dd>go back
<dd>scroll down 3 ems
<dd>scroll up 3 ems
<dd>go forward
<dd>go up a level in the site hierarchy
<dd>go to the previous item in the current collection
<dd>go to the next item in the current collection
<dd>page up
<dd>page down
<dd>go to the top of the page
<dd>go to the bottom of the page
<dd>stop current movement or cancel link follow overlays

<dd>toggle typographical rhythm indicator
<dd>toggle dark/light color mode

<h3>Room Mode</h3>
<dd>walk forward
<dd>strafe left
<dd>walk backward
<dd>strafe right
<dd>pan left
<dd>scroll map down
<dd>scroll map up
<dd>pan right
<dd>toggle map
<dd>toggle audio
<dd>toggle video

<h2>Voice Bindings</h2>
<dt>query for
<dt>tell me