Commissioners, The existing structure is a 2,700 sq ft 2 bedroom. The proposed structure is a 1,200 sq ft 3 bedroom with a 100 sq ft walk in closet and a 100 sq ft kitchen. The home was purchased 1/13/2022 and listed for rent 2/3/2022. This proposal is tantamount to a subdivision. The proportions have every hallmark of greed and profit maximization. The *second driveway* requires removal of a forest (33-37, 93" combined DBH) of healthy trees with an optimal composition of various ages and concretes over a "protected" 100' tree's dripline. Compaction from the driveway and from vehicles entering the build site will damage the extensive lateral root system of this tree causing a 100' tree to deteriorate and become an extreme hazard. The trunk diameters of the "protected" Coast Live Oaks (12 & 23) are underrepresented as their root flares are clearly buried as per the photographs. Their root systems will be impacted by retaining walls that are speced 6' below grade and compaction from a development project this size (this is not a hubmle granny flat). They will deteriorate and become hazards in twenty to forty years. There appears to be no study of the actual root systems--only reference to abstract root guidelines, of which the minimum distances are barely being applied. There appears to be zero attempt at on-site replacements. Structures facilitate urban wildfire spread. Trees protect from fire spread. Healthy, mature canopies that inhibit undergrowth and no longer have low-hanging limbs are the gold standard in fire protection as far as landscaping goes. We need more permeable surfaces not less for decentralized stormwater retention for the health and resilience of existing trees and to replenish our entire area's groundwater supply. There is a state mandate to reduce TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) of toxins in our waterways. Keeping stormwater on our properties and out of our gutters and drains is a crucial component that applies to all properties. Note the two drainage grates in the plans. The applicant can retrofit the existing structure, replace the garage, add a second story addition, maximize utilization of the existing driveway, gain a rental income stream and protect in place all trees in the process. Please deny this blatant money grab that threatens the City of Trees canopy and sets a poor precedent for others to follow. Excessive ADUs not only threaten our canopy but the small town feel that **must be preserved** now that we've lost Altadena. Keep ADUs humble and appropriately massed. This is not an acceptable implementation. Please stop it here. Thank you, Angelo Gladding |