talk to Dundon's neighbors/children
cost of website
all tree related matters
sleep on git pull into testing before continuing with CI
stripe (webint-money)
canopy context
understory context
use secret to provide TOKEN for testing canopy live on DO
async/queue CI (on different artifact server ports)
publish js as npm module
tor/dns UX
mediasoup config
change env vars in mediasoup supervisor conf and restart supervisor
change self-signed.crt to
install act: curl -s | sudo bash
install docker:
add user to group:
set .actrc:
-P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest -P ubuntu-22.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04 -P ubuntu-20.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-20.04 -P ubuntu-18.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:act-18.04
add .gitconfig: git config –global init.defaultBranch main
restart nginx after first code project is initialized (and PW is created)
canopy-platform as an anti-platform a la aaronsw's anti-framework; webint as an anti-framework
post search (sqlite regex)
auto-renew certs
runs every 10 weeks
service nginx restart
supervisorctl restart mediasoup
grafiti grid
websockets (chat, notification API for webmentions/builds)
drop into 2d tileset only
start in lobby; has no video w/o sign in
video starts when enter room
vnc-based collaboration
walking/running/cycling via Polar/Overland
e-mail traceback to owner on 500
ding dong for room chat (AIM on/off)
ffmpeg -re -i input_video.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -c:a aac -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://