Angelo Gladding

Doing it live means editing the deployed code of a deployed site.

a screenshot of the terminal session

8 tmux panes in my primary window:

  • 5 tailing logfiles

  • 1 command and control (managing daemons)

  • 1 general purpose

  • 1 vim with 46 splits including code files from the site environment's site-packages directory and miscellaneous server configuration files.

The 12 other tmux windows contain one-off purposes that I have yet to document properly or account for otherwise. Leaving them open allows for most ready access to do that at a later date.

Vanilla tmux and vanilla vim on vanilla Debian are extremely reliable long term.


admin@ragt:~$ uptime 00:06:58 up 380 days, 17:53, 24 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.15, 0.10