$def with (query, conversion, resource, iw_profile, ap_profile, formatted_query, result, ipa_pronunciation, cmu_pronunciation, definition, rhymes, web_results, code_projects, code_files, books) $var breadcrumbs = ("search", "Search") $var title: $query $var query = query $if resource: $if isinstance(resource, str):


$elif resource[1]["card"]:
$else: $ items = resource[1]["mf2json"]["items"] $if items:
$if iw_profile or ap_profile:
$if iw_profile: $ profile = iw_profile $if photos := profile.get("photo"):

$if urls := profile.get("url"): $for url in urls: $url $if not loop.last: •

$if tags := profile.get("category"):
$for tag in tags: $if "value" in tag: $tag["value"] $else: $tag $if not loop.last: •
$elif ap_profile: $ profile = ap_profile $if photos := profile.get("icon"): $if not isinstance(photos, list): $ photos = [photos]

$ name = profile.get("name") $ preferred_username = profile.get("preferredUsername") $if name: $profile["name"] $if name and preferred_username: ( $if preferred_username: $profile["preferredUsername"] $if name and preferred_username: )
$if "url" in profile: $ urls = profile["url"] $if not isinstance(urls, list): $ urls = [urls] $for url in urls: $url $if not loop.last: •

$if "summary" in profile:
$if "tag" in profile:
$for tag in profile["tag"]: $tag["name"] $if not loop.last: •
$if tx.user.is_owner:
Full Summary
$if conversion:

$conversion[0] = $conversion[1]

$if result:
$if definition:

$ipa_pronunciation, $definition
rhymes: $", ".join(rhymes)

$if tx.user.is_owner:

Across the Web

$if web_results:
$ featured_sites = { $ "$tx.host.name": ("$tx.origin/media/6ysi.png", " — $tx.host.owner['name'][0]"), $ "indieweb.org": ("https://indieweb.org/favicon.ico", " - IndieWeb"), $ "en.wikipedia.org": ("https://www.wikipedia.org/static/favicon/wikipedia.ico", " - Wikipedia"), $ "www.youtube.com": ("https://www.youtube.com/s/desktop/a24ea7cc/img/favicon.ico", " - YouTube"), $ "developer.mozilla.org": ("https://developer.mozilla.org/favicon-48x48.cbbd161b.png", " | MDN - MDN Web Docs"), $ "www.w3.org": ("https://www.w3.org/favicon.ico", " - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)"), $ "stackoverflow.com": ("https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/Img/favicon.ico?v=ec617d715196", " - Stack Overflow"), $ "www.imdb.com": ("https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/imdb/images-ANDW73HA/favicon_desktop_32x32._CB1582158068_.png", " - IMDb"), $ "docs.python.org": ("https://docs.python.org/3/_static/py.svg", " — Python \d\.\d{,2}\.0.+") $ } $ blocked_sites = ( $ "www.$tx.host.name", $ "www.freecodecamp.org", $ "www.tutorialspoint.com", $ "www.w3schools.com", $ )
$for result_url, result_text in web_results: $ opacity = .75 $ font_size = "1em" $ icon = None $ suffix = "" $if result_url.host in featured_sites: $ font_size = "1.25em" $ icon, suffix = featured_sites[result_url.host] $ opacity = 1 $if result_url.host == "developer.mozilla.org" and not result_url.path.startswith("en-US"): $continue $elif result_url.host in blocked_sites: $continue
$re.sub(f"{suffix}$", "", result_text)
$if icon:  \ $str(result_url).removeprefix(f"{result_url.origin}/") $else: $result_url

0 results


$if code_projects.most_common()[0][0]: $else:

0 results




found $books.pop("found") document out of $books.pop("out_of"), $# search took $books.pop("search_time_ms")ms

$# $# XXX